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hi again! I realized that some of you may not be familiar with MC jargon. I'm not so sure about the stuff myself buuuuuut here's what I think everything means. Feel free to correct me if I am wrong by all means!

UPDATE: for accurate definitions, please look at the comments!! all my glorious lovely readers were considerate enough to provide you all with much better definitions than mine haha XD enjoy!!


MC stands for 'motorcycle club'... uhhh, idk what other explanation to give. this glossary is not off to a good start :(


A cut is a vest(?) - that is leather - in which all MC members wear no matter what MC you are part of. The cut has patches applied to it that identifies the club you belong to, if you are an official patched member, and your position (if you have a specific one like the president or something). 

MC Member:

An official MC member has a specific patch on his cut that specifies that he is, in fact, an official member. In this MC, only men are patched in. Women usually wear cuts that show who's Old Lady they are if they are one. 


A member of the club that hasn't been "patched in" as an official member. Usually(?), they do odd jobs for the club, like clean up a dead body, or go grocery shopping? They get patched in once they prove their loyalty towards the club after a sum of time, or do something worthy of the patch.

Old Lady: 

A woman who has been claimed by a brother. When you become a member's Old Lady, you're untouchable to all other brothers and (in my little world  *swoons*) treated like a queen with respect. They, along with the hang-around whores, are the only women allowed in the club.


Basically, its where all the patched in members meet. No Old Ladies, no prospects. Club business is discussed here and that's that. idk why its called church, but i've learned to just roll with it ;)


Head of the club.

Vice President: 

The second head of the club(?) lmao I suck at this


the third head of the club. I like to call these three the 'three musketeers' cuz why not?

Road Captian:

don't really know the purpose behind this one so for now, deal with my idiocy, and accept that its the fourth head of the club. :)

-- if one dies, the one them below it takes their place!

Club Whores:

ah, the infamous club whores... basically, free pussy for all the horndog bikers. they are taken care of by the club (given a place to stay and food etc) in exchange for being a pleasure for the brothers, prospects, etc. It's unlikely a club whore becomes an old lady. In this book, and in the rest of the series, club whores will be referred to as Free Cherries. pretty innocent right? ;)

--ALRIGHT, that's that. once again, feel free to correct me if I am wrong. the first mc book I've ever read was a book #2 in the series so I didn't really get all the explanations and had to infer about quite a few things. for real. like it took me fucking forever to figure out wtf a cut was,,, at first, I thought it was a typo lmao). obviously, since then, I've read more mc books, but I might still be wrong. CORRECT ME PLEASE!

also, please beware that I wrote the prologue after I wrote the first chapter so there's a bunch of "Caleb, my third brother, also known as Cypher, did blah blah blah" in both. this book has NOT been edited yet, so I'll fix those things when I am editing :)


A Queen's Revenge - Hell's Vipers MC Book #1Where stories live. Discover now