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here's chapter one, get ready to ride this roller coaster :) - also take note that chapters will NOT be as long as the prologue - also also all events in this book are fictitious, meaning i have no idea if Sterling City, Texas has a drug problem or not lol



Dylan couldn't think of a worse time for her cell to ring as she bashed a Latino man's face in. She and her men that worked in her company had just barged into a small building at the end of an abandoned strip center in Sterling City, Texas to take down some particularly sneaky druggies. They'd been scampering around the entire fucking state of Texas spreading their drugs like a plague. It was definitely difficult to keep the drugs from spreading too far while trying to keep up with the fast-moving distributors. Luckily, Byte, one of her company's hackers, happened to catch a seemingly lazy druggie ordering a sex toy from the Deep Web which gave away their laptop's IP address. Byte was then able to track the laptop to this beat-down shop where she was currently kicking ass.

Sighing as she stood up from the man's body she had unintentionally beat into unconsciousness, Dylan gestured for two of her men to fill in the space she was leaving vacant as she rushed outside and slid into the crook in the side of the building. Thinking it was her partner Zach or one of the men from her company that had urgent news regarding the mission, she was very rushed to pick up the phone, but knowing better, she looked at the phone ID. She cursed as saw her third brother's name there. This was definitely not a good time for him to do a check-up on her.

"Hello, Caleb?" She tried to calm her breathing, but it didn't work. Dylan couldn't hide anything from Caleb, except maybe the fact that she owns a hitman business. Partly.

"Dylan? Why are you panting so hard? Is your asthma acting up again?" Caleb asked worriedly. Dylan inwardly groaned. All her brothers always overreacted to every little thing that revolved around her, her eldest brother the most so. However, when Adam got married and had his daughter, he began to lay off. Now, she thankfully only had to deal with her second and third brothers who seemed to have nothing better to do.

"I'm at the gym, and no, my asthma isn't acting up. You know it only acts up when the weather drastically changes. And right now," Dylan paused as she thought of New Jersey's weather, the weather she should be experiencing right about now, "the weather's been pretty stagnant." Dylan hated lying to her brothers every time she called, but it was better this way.

"Oh ok, that's good," Caleb said and then he became silent. It unnerved her because if he was silent, he could possibly hear the groaning and screaming of the men being beaten inside. Hopefully, Caleb thought the sounds were of straining men who were lifting weights too big for their muscle mass. "Listen," he started, his voice wavering, "Adam... has been injured."

Dylan sucked in a breath and the world became quiet. Caleb didn't tell her things like these for trivial purposes and on top of that Adam was always one who never wanted to worry others. If Caleb was calling about an injury Adam had... "How bad?" She asked, not knowing why she was whispering suddenly.

"Bad," was all Caleb revealed to her. She was about to prod for more information he kept going. "You need to come. I know it's short notice but... but he's been asking for you." She was silent now. "Please, Dylan. We haven't seen you in six years and you call here once every month at most and you only pick up our calls once out of every three times."

"Caleb, I've busy as hell, I can't just drop everything-"

"How busy is a fucking accountant of a small firm in New Jersey?" he snapped. Dylan shut her mouth. Caleb snapping was a rare occurrence. If he snapped, she knew the situation was serious and a lot of stress was involved. She heard him sigh after a few moments of silence. "I know you're hiding something from us Dylan, but right now, I don't have the care to give. Adam, the brother who raised both of us, is asking for something after years and years of giving. I don't mean to be a jerk, but if you aren't at the hospital in two days, we'll assume you've cut ties with us. You can't keep doing this to us, Dylan. There is only so much we can take." He hung up.

Dylan sighed as she pulled the phone from her ear slowly. She already knew she was a bad sister. Being the youngest, her older brothers never really expected anything from her. But when she moved away from her hometown in Nevada to study accounting up in Jersey, things changed. They expected her to constantly call and fly down every once in a while, and while Dylan was finally enjoying being in a big city by herself after being smothered by her brothers, she kept up with their expectations the first few years. However, after Audrienne, Adam's daughter was born, Dylan had a fallout and it drove her brothers crazy because they didn't know why. She knew it was better that way, but it was beginning to wear on her in the worst ways. 

I guess it's time to buy that plane ticket, she sighed.  



almost ashamed at how short this first chapter is

we're just getting started!






A Queen's Revenge - Hell's Vipers MC Book #1Where stories live. Discover now