T W E N T Y - E I G H T

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well, if it isn't the consequences of my own actions...


It was dark when Adam finally returned home. The house's front lights were on, the sprinkler was going, and there was a simple kind of peace that settled over the house.

The garage opening announced his return back home and his wife was perked up from the couch she was sitting on when he finally made it through the door. Adam tried not to stumble too obviously into his home, knowing it would look too strange to his wife and set her off that something was wrong.

Because there was something wrong. There was something very, very wrong.

He had just had his heart ripped out.

Considering they had been hurriedly evacuated and sent to a safehouse the night before, the news that the Deft Gang was no longer a threat allowed all of the families to return home. A prospect assigned by one of his younger brothers took Adam's family home as the man had been unable to do so himself.

How could he have? His head had been reeling more so than it was now.

Millie drifted over to him happily, as if she were levitating across their hardwood floors, as Adam took off his shoes and dropped his keys somewhere. "Finally, you're home. Do you know how long I've been calling and texting you? It's been radio silence since last night from you," Adam walked to his kitchen sink, washing his hands thoroughly after being outside, a habit he picked up after his daughter was born, "If it weren't for your brothers assuring me, I would've never gone home with that prospect! First, you go off after you come home in a panic, and then Dylan disappears right after!" Adam dried his hands, walking to his fringe to pop open a can of beer as Millie continued, "Did you know the President sent for her? God, I really what's going on between those two, you should probably check on that—"

Adam slammed the door of the fridge and turned to his wife, the beer forgotten now. "Millie," Adam said carefully, but not gently, as he brought his eyes to his wife's, "Did you photograph my sister without her consent?"

Instantly, Adam watched as Millie's face shifted from happy and open to closed-off and defensive. Just as he thought, she took a step back with his brow furrowed and said, "What are you talking about? Where did that even come from? Did someone say anything to you? Why are you—"

The kitchen island was all that separated them now, and their daughter's room was far enough that they could talk in their normal tones without bothering the little girl. Based on the time, he was willing to bet his daughter was currently in her room watching YouTube Kids on her iPad. Adam knew there was no time like the present to have this out with his wife once and for all.

Again, Adam cut Millie off and repeated his question, "Did you take a picture of my sister's back while she was changing in the privacy of our guest room without her permission, Millie?"

Millie's facial expression was still guarded, but confusion was now mixed in with it, "Adam, where is this coming from? Did Dylan tell you something? I have no idea what you're talking about, but, while we're at it, let's talk about you. How come this is the first thing you say to me after being MIA for a whole day? I'm the mother of your children, you know, you owe me an explanation—"

Adam felt his frustration begin to build as Millie kept deflecting. This always happened when they argued, enough so that Adam gave up before he even started. While their arguments were few and far between, he couldn't help but remember the disaster of an argument that happened after Millie confessed to cheating. His voice becoming sharper, lethal even, Adam hissed, "Mildred, if I'm asking you a really specific and guided question, it means I already know the fucking answer. Did you or did you not violate my sister's privacy in my house?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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