Bonus Chapter

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I inhaled a sharp, deep breath as I placed the little stick in a bag with a t-shirt and some chocolate, knowing Axel would just love it.

I quickly hid the little bag in the back, seeing Axel returning to the car. He entered quickly, putting on his seat belt as he took in a deep breath. "You ready?"

I smiled brightly, nodding at him. He started the car, then started driving our of the parking onto the street.

All the road I couldn't stop staring at him. How good that dark blue suit fit him with the red tie I bought him. Or how good his chocolate brown hair remained with just a brush of his fingers through it.

He always managed to look so good, even in the insignificant days. Well, it wasn't an insignificant day. No, it wasn't.

It was my graduation day. Yep! I made it through college! And I wouldn't have been able to without Axel's support. And my father's and everyone's else. But in all honesty, Axel was my rock the whole road.

The Isaac deal finished at the beginning of my second year. The guy died, can't remember from which reason, but he did.

Since him, no one dared to get near me. Not because they had him as example, but because Axel refused to allow another guy to get close to me. Each got a punch in the face and a broken nose.

Anyways, I had many moments when studying almost got me on the bridge of giving up. I had days when I couldn't understand a word the professors said, which pissed me off and so many times I wanted to give up.

Though, Axel had the custom to say "You didn't go this long to throw it all away like it was nothing." And that stupid saying had me going through.

And after four years, I was finally done. I finished college. Yes, I still needed a job, which couldn't have been that hard to find and I still had to learn. The human mind was more than anyone could unravel, therefore, I always had something new to learn.

But, for the moment, finding a job preoccupied me. Finding a stable job as a psychologist.

If you're asking, I didn't have any other pregnancy surprises these past few years and Axel hadn't proposed yet, and I can't wait for him to do so. I imagined he'd do that as soon as I graduated. Well, I hoped.

I mean, I more than imagined a future with him. I pretty much already started that future.

And let me tell you, it was as unexpected as the first time.

Without my notice, Axel parked the car in the parking lot of the university, stopping the engine almost immediately. He inhaled, then exhaled, then turned at me with the brightest smile on his features. His hands squeezed my arms, pride showing on his features.

"I'm proud of you. I'm more proud of you, then anyone else." He stated, kissing my lips.

I smiled into the kiss, pulling away on the last moment. "I'm proud of myself too."

He chuckled. "C'mon, there's no time for being cocky, we're probably already late."

"Why do you think that?" I asked, opening the door and getting out of the car.

"Probably because of the sex we had all morning?" He rose a brow at me, making me nod in agreement.

I grabbed my robe and hat from the back and after Axel, I ran to the gathering in the campus. I slipped on the robe, put on the hat and ran next to Carla, who, unlike us, was there on time.

She squeaked at my sight, looking into the crowd of people that came to see us. I looked where she looked and saw my father and Enzo next to her family.

Burning meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang