Chapter seven - Axel

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Dwight couldn't keep his mouth shut about how she was the whole day and to just add to the talking, he started texting.

I started getting a headache and I decided to put my phone down and look at her.

The moment I saw what she was wearing and how she was staying I froze in my seat. Well, a part of me. One member just tightened my pants.

She was staying on her knees, in one of those sexy positions as she painted the rainbow fell to the ground in some clouds. She was wearing one of those hot thigh socks and a white crop top with a pair of boxer shorts. She was biting her lip as she tried to get the perfect shade of that damn blue. Her hair was tied in a messy bun to not fall in her face. From my point of view, I was sure I wasn't going to pull the image out of my head.

I groaned tipping my head back as I closed my eyes and tried calming my cock. Down, boy, down...

That image just ruined every other girl's image of hot.

"You okay there?" She asked getting my head to snap up. She was looking at me with the corner of her eye.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm perfectly fine, freckles." I responded licking my lips.

"What got you so in a mood?"

"Dwight. He has the habit of bugging me." I smirked placing my forearms behind my head.

"Why did I have the feeling that he knew me already when we met today?" Well, crap!

"Your brother talked a lot about you." I stated.

She laughed. "That's nice."

The smile on her face was nicer. Nicer than the nicest things. Jesus, not even nice it was the sweetest thing I could ever see. It was unic.

"Wait a sec, why didn't I know that your full name was Venera?" I snapped back to reality.

Her lips pursed and she didn't look at me. "Cause I like to be called Ven."

"No, you like your friends calling you Ven," My eyes narrowed on her. "Did you try to friend zone me?"

She rose a brow and turned at me. "Don't tell me you wanna be more than friends."

"I was thinking of friends with benefits." I shrugged, smiling innocently.

The look on her face told me she wasn't joking and in all reality, I wasn't either. I liked her. I wanted to fuck her. And heck, I knew that after I fucked her I wouldn't be able to fuck anyone else. I doubted I'd go anywhere with feelings anytime soon, but it wouldn't hurt having a start, right?

"I'm not interested, thanks." Her tone was flat and her expression straight as her brush returned to the wall.

I sighed and closed my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Does something need to be wrong? Nothing's wrong, I'm just not interested in anyone yet."

I hummed, not believing her. "Lemme guess. Was it a shitty ex? He cheated?"

She laughed. "Yeah, that too, but I couldn't blame him, I'm just not meant for relationships."

I frowned and looked at her. "How come?"

"I'm cold. I can't keep a relationship. Happy?" She asked in an irritated tone.

"You're not cold."

"Yes, I am."

"If you were cold, I would've had my ass in jail by now." I explained, crossing my arms.

She sighed softly and looked at me with pleading eyes. She didn't like the subject, and I didn't like it anymore either.

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