Chapter thirty three - Axel

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"Yes?" A deep Italian voice demanded softly.

"Hello, this is Axel Tristan King. Am I talking to Luciano Rossetti?" I questioned, sitting down in front of Dad's office desk at the warehouse.

"This is he." He replied.

"Great! Well, I've got a deal for you, sir. One you won't be able to refuse."

"What kind of deal?"

"The kind of deal where I take over the Mafia and the Green Skulls and make one." I stated, dipping my head back as my eyes traveled over the shelf filled with books.

A long moment passed with me sitting in silence.

"Can you detaliate?"

"Look, Mr. Rossetti. I want to marry your daughter. Of course, I'll marry her after we both graduate, so that would mean a few years, but I can wait. I talked with my father and we came to a conclusion. Now it's up to you if you also agree with it."

"I'm listening."

"Alright, so until we get married, I will be in charge of the Green Skulls and Enzo can be in charge of the Mafia. Even if he may not be the heir, he has all the knowledge requested for the job. When we do get married the Green Skulls will become the Mafia since the Mafia has a longer past than the Green Skulls. Enzo can be the Underboss since I can't handle so much territory by myself, even if I have a right hand. He can take care of the European and Asian sector while I take care of the rest." I exhaled finishing my explanation.

I closed my eyes for a brief second to take in what I had just said. Yep, everything in order. Everything alright. "And this move might bring us higher than the Russians on the top scale, knowing they aren't in the best terms with any of us."

"I think my daughter picked well."

I blinked a few times, feeling my cheeks slightly heat. I cleared my throat. "I think so too…" I coughed a little to get Dad's grin to drop.

The jerk.

"Before we agree to this, can I ask you a question?"

"Of course…"

"Can I marry your daughter?"

He hummed, a muffled sound ringing to it. "If you do it after she graduates, then yes. You have my blessing. Just keep the rest after as well if you may."

I grinned devilishly. It was a tad bit too late for that. A month too late.

"Sure." Just let it be known I never said those exact words.

"Good. We've got a deal, then."

"That's great! Well, thanks. Can I have freckles back?"


"Right, Venera."

"Right," He trailed off with suspicion. "I'd like to have a talk with your father, if you don't mind."

I frowned. "No, not at all. Just wait a bit." I lowered the phone handing it to Dad. "He wanna talk to you."

Dad shrugged and took the phone. "It's not like I'll get threatened, right?"

"Right…" I trailed off this time, watching Dad talk into the phone calmly, right before a friendly behaviour took over his moves. " That explains a lot, dear friend. I admit, I didn't expect hearing from you like this. I expected an alliance, but this works as well."

I frowned in confusion, seeing Dad befriend freckles' Dad. Well, wow…?

I stood there as a third wheel until I received my phone back. After that I just had a pleasurable talk with my freckles, feeling a lot better than before. I admit, hearing her so jolly it made all the stress I even had when she called the second time wash away.

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