Chapter twenty three - Axel

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She was very silent as I drove to our first destination, which took around an hour. And she had a goofy cute smile on her face.

I couldn't help myself either from smiling and then I was just feeling extremely giddy. It was all her fault. I blamed her. The whole night I felt nervous about the surprise I spend all night in doing. When I saw her, I was filled with this shot of joy which calmed my nerves. It also made me hard. She looked hot as fuck, how couldn't it?

I stopped in front of our first destination, the County Museum of art in LA. Freckles looked at the building, then at me, then back at the building and gawked. "Your brought me to an art museum?" Her tone held disbelief.

I nodded.

She blinked. "B-But it's Sunday! How it's-"

I pulled her waist towards the door. "Don't worry freckles, it's all handled."

I opened the front door and dragged her inside, towards a lady at a large counter. I smiled at her. "Good morning! I'm supposed to have two visit tickets on the name King. For today." I stated.

The lady looked at me with rose brows. "Today? Honey, it's Sunday. There're no visits on Sundays."

I cleared my throat. "Check my name, please." I said, trying to sound as polite as possible.

The woman sighed, shaking her head in disapproval as she searched in the computer. Her eyes widened when she probably saw that in fact I payed a little to get the Museum opened today.

The woman apologized and gave us our tickets and asked if we'd need a guide. I refused and we went along the Museum to cherish the art.

Freckles was thrilled with the museum, taking pictures with every painting or sculpture she liked. I loved seeing her so happy. I really did. The sight of her being joyful was the most beautiful sight someone could witness. It was one of a kind. I took pictures of her and posted them on my story on Snapchat, of course not at her brother's sight. And I took dozens of pictures with her.

I think we spend around two hours in the Museum, before we headed to the next destination, which took two hours to get there, because of the traffic. I brought her to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach.

After we entered, we reached the shark section after another few of other fishes and she squeaked looking at the hammer shark. "How did you know sharks are my favorite?"

I rose a brow. "I have my ways." I shrugged.

She pulled me in a hug, and I was a little taken by surprise. My cheeks flushed as her face was buried in my chest. "Thank you, Axy," She whispered.

I stroked her hair, smiling like a dork that got kissed by his crush. "Don't thank me." I kissed her head. "Now go next to the sharks. I'm taking a photo of y'all.."

She pulled my chin down and kissed my cheek. "Okay," She whispered before she walked in front of the glass which was used as a barrage to keep the fishes and the water on the other side and us on this side. She smiled as I pulled out my phone and took countless photos of her.

She grinned, pulled faces and winked at the camera. We walked around for another hour. When we left it was already time for lunch.

I knew she didn't like fancy restaurants, so I brought her to a simple fast-food in town. She ate with a healthy appetite her spaghetti with Bolognese sauce as I ate my cheese macaroons. She moaned at almost every bite, enjoying it as much as I was enjoying watching and listening to her.

When lunch was done, I dragged her to eat vanilla ice cream and stay on the side of the road and count the red cars. She was counting the ones of the left, I was counting the ones on the right. The one who counted more by the end of the ice cream won. She won.

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