Chapter thirty four - Venera

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I ran up to him, jumping in his arms. Literally. He caught me right away, squeezing me tightly, afraid to let go.

My fingers brushed through his messy hair and two tears fell with a light giggle from my side. I hugged him tighter then I've ever hugged anyone before, putting my whole heart and soul into it.

"I see you missed me…" He whispered softly in my ear, returning the hug.

"You've got no idea how much I missed you, Axel." I sniffled, pulling back from him.

"I know, love, I know." He kissed my head, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me back into the embrace. "I missed you too…"

I leaned my head on his chest, feeling like I could finally breath. "One week apart and it felt like an eternity."

"More truthful than I'd like to admit." He smiled agreeing with me.

We stood in that hug for what felt like the eternity we were apart, mostly me refusing to pull away. He didn't want either, but I was the one definitely hugging him tighter.

"Did your Dad tell you?" He asked softly, making me raise my gaze from his hard chest. I nodded, already knowing what he meant, a bright smile covering my cheeks.

He bent his back, lowering to my face to kiss my lips. What started as a soft touch of our lips turned into a full on passionate kiss. I didn't want to break our lips apart, but the sound of Carla's laughter and Enzo's groan made us pull away from each other and look over at the two hugging each other as well.

I smiled, lowering my arms from Ryan's chest to his waist, holding him just as tight as before. Enzo looked at us with slight irritation, Carla laughing her ass off at him. He still didn't like seeing us together.

Loved that.

"Nice to see you too, man." Axel grinned, keeping one arm around me as the other he spread to him, to shake hands. Enzo took his hand, shaking it. He shook his head as well, exhaling roughly.

"We going to eat? I'm starving…" Carla groaned pulling Enzo after her.

I laughed at her, smiling up at Axel. He leaned in, kissing my lips softly one last time before we followed them outside.

We went to a dinner and ate, Carla having her plates and the rest only one. The girl could eat more than anyone else I've ever seen. I eat much, but she eats more.

It didn't take long before Dwight and a girl I've never seen before joined us. Axel smiled at the girl, raising his hand and waving at her. "Hi, Shirl! How come you're here?" He questioned, stuffing a chicken nugget in his mouth.

"Well," The blue eyed girl with chestnut waves rolling down her shoulders, started, sitting next to him, "seeing that y'all ditched me and dickhead here started flirting with me, I had to come and find you."

"I wasn't flirting!" Dwight exclaimed, letting me see him for the very first time so flushed and pissed. He was usually Axel's chill type.

At that, the whole table fell into silence, as they stared at him.

"Sure, mate! And I'm the queen of fuckin' England!" Who I heard was Shirl, smiled tightly at him, rolling her eyes quickly after her smile dropping.

"You haven't changed one fucking bit, Shirley. You're the bitch you've always been." Dwight rolled his eyes, getting the attention of a waitress to come at the table.

"From that point of view, seems like we both haven't changed. You're still the fuckwit I've known since childhood." The girl grinned widely, showing off the piercing above her teeth that looked good on her.

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