Chapter fifteen - Axel

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"You can't be serious!" Dwight looked shocked at me as I explained it to him "Dead serious, buddy."

"What? Wait, wait," He put his index finger in my face as he arched his brows and closed his eyes, processing what I just told him. "You're actually telling me that Enzo's hot sister has a fetish for cars? And not just any fetish, but a whole knowledge about them?!?"

I smirked and nodded. "I'm pretty sure she beats me."

He gawked at me not believing it. "Wow," He muttered. "That's some crazy shit. And you say Steve tried to hire her but she refused?"

I nodded again. "She didn't even put much thought into it, just refused."

"What the fuck?!? I wouldn't even understand the word no in such a situation! Working for Steve would be heaven!" He shouted getting up from the chair and going to the fridge to grab another beer.

"I know, right? But honestly, I kinda understand her. If you think about it, she spend most of her time in cars and racing and you know how it is, after all that shit, you wanna chill out a little." I tried to explain it from her point of view.

"Yeah, but you don't refuse Steve! The guy is..."

"Are you gay?" I asked cutting him off.

He frowned and looked at me like I grew two heads. "The fuck? No!"

"You venerate him like he's God. It's freaky…" I shrugged stretching the word out.

He rolled his eyes ignoring me. "I'm just saying that it's a one in a lifetime opportunity."

"That's what you think, but not everyone has the same opinions, okay?" You could say I got a little irritated.

"Oh, and what exactly got up your ass and died?" He asked sipping from his beer.

I took in a deep breath and exhaled, leaning my head on the wall. "She said she doesn't want to be on the verge of illegal and legal after the trouble she got in because of the races."

He hummed. "I don't see your point."

I groaned getting annoyed. "I don't know if you realized by now, but I like her. And I like her a lot. And if she doesn't wanna do illegal anymore, what do you think she's gonna say when she finds out who I am?"

He blinked a few times staring at me like I was an alien. Jesus, here we go...

"You got in deep, bro," His lips pursed as he looked at me with big eyes. "You got in deep..."

"What am I supposed to do now?" I asked irritated as I crossed a leg over the other.

"Don't think about it."


"Don't think about it yet. Go on with it and let it go with the flow, you know? When she finds out, she finds out and the decision will be up to her. You can't do anything about it." He said it like it was the easiest fucking thing.

"And if I get my heart broken?" I asked pulling my hands from my pockets and crossing them over my chest.

"Then you move on, Gee! Hard thing to do." He rolled his eyes and drank from his beer.

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