Chapter eighteen - Venera

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I bought the stuff I needed for the house and got a call from boss, telling me I had be at work.

I didn't complain. Couldn't exactly do that. I got home, started displaying a design on a paper and when the time was up, I started getting ready for work.

I put on a grey cropped hoodie and a pair of dark red shirts with a high waist. I put on a pair of dark red vans and tied my hair in two french braids.

I grabbed my bag and ran out of the house, feeling the headache from this morning kick in.

I ignored it and felt it slightly drain me as I drove towards the bar. I kept pushing it and the moment I entered through the back door of the bar, I forgot about it. The scent of alcohol and nicotine distracted me.

I placed an apron around my waist and headed to the bar. Opie and Diane greeted me as I took a notebook and a pan and I smiled replying them. Kayden and Jamie greeted later on after I started taking orders and spreading them around. It was another full night, but it didn't matter. I liked full nights because they were more fun.

A few hours boss joined and smiled at all of us, saying we'f have some guys that rarely came and they were big people, come later on. He said one of them was a good friend.

Hours passed and the clients got replaced by other clients. My favorite bikers and the regulars came in, and I was the one to get at them first.

"Hi, guys! How's it goin'?" I asked pulling out my note.

Harry grinned. "Just great, kid. How're you doing tonight?"

"Oh," I wiggled my brows up and down as I smirked, "someone's in a good mood. You got lucky?"

"Shit, run before he starts talking." Johnny muttered pursing his lips.

"Don't be a douche, John." Marco commented.

"I wasn't. He just won't stop talking about the chica, okay?" He shrugged.

"We'll talk about it after you find your own girl, Johnny." Harry said.

I chuckled. "So, what can I get ya, guys?"

They gave me their orders and obviously, Zack as always tried to get me a date, but it just wouldn't do it for me. He instead got a beer.

I noted down their orders and went at the bar, giving Diane the orders. Minutes later she gave them to me and I returned to the table.

I went on to another table as the bell rang and more people came in. I didn't get the chance to look at them as I was focused on getting the table's orders.

Just when I was done and ready to walk away, a hand grabbed my ass and one of the guys who wasn't exactly in the "wake up" state smirked pulling me towards him.

I immediately acted and did what I usually did when that happened. I kicked his ass, usually broke some bones and kicked him out. Boss never got angry and usually everyone was cheering on me. Maybe it wasn't normal, but I wasn't told to stop. That may not make it right, but it made me feel at peace knowing I wouldn't get in trouble for it.

I got at the bar through the cheers and beers rodr in the air. They settled down as I gave Diane the orders and went back to the bikers who had empty pints on their tables.

"Want something else, guys?" I picked them up on the platter.

"Another two beers, kid." Harry smiled and I nodded walking away.

I gave Opie the orders and he gave me the two beers. I smiled and took off towards the guys. Left their beers and searched for my next clients. I went to a table in the corner, filled with men in black which I haven't seen picked up by the guys.

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