Chapter thirty - Venera

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I kissed him passionately and hugged him tightly, afraid to let him go. I could feel the tears burn the back of my throat, but there was no way I would've let them fall.

I couldn't let them fall. But I wanted to.

"Call me when you land." He whispered above my lips. "Don't cry, love." He kissed my head, as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I'll miss you," I whispered painfully.

"I'll miss you more," He held my waist as he kissed me again, more heatedly.

I allowed another tear roll down my cheek as his tongue dominated my mouth.

"Ven, it's time to go." Enzo said from behind me. "Jerry won't wait for us." The annoyance in his tone when he mentioned Jerry was more than obvious.

Axel pulled away and kissed my head. "Be safe, love."

I nodded. "I will," I gave him one last peck on the lips which said everything I couldn't and turned at Enzo who was smiling softly at me.

Carla next to him was crying as well. At least I wasn't the only one. I walked up to her and hugged her. "Don't miss me too much, hoe!"

She laughed. "Not if you text me, whore!"

"I will, don't worry about that."

"Just don't forget about me."

"That's a good joke. Don't replace me."

"No way in hell!" She shouted pulling away.

I laughed and fist bumped with her. I turned at Enzo who was shaking hands with Axel.


I was gonna be gone only for a few days, but it'd feel like an eternity. The time away from him was gonna break my heart. I knew we had time away at school and in classes, but that was different. He was going to be hundreds of miles away from me and I wouldn't be able to touch him and feel him.

I already missed him. Another tear rolled on my cheek as Enzo turned to me and pulled me towards the entry of the airport.

I took one last glance at Axel, seeing his soft smile as he waved at me. Tears were blurring my vision, but I could see him wearing that assuring smile that warmed up my heart.

We boarded the plane and it took off quickly. For the whole flight, my mind was only to Axel. I forgot about my Dad, about the divorce and the joy of returning home. Axel was all I had in my mind.

It was weird how I could live without him until I met him. After that, we were practically inseparable.

I couldn't understand why, but the bond between us was so tight, I despised the feeling of being away from him. My heart was breaking with every mile taken away, and it was weird because I knew I'd return.

Oh, I was always a weak hearted person, but this was more than I've ever experienced. I could think of only two things.

Axel and how much I missed him.

It was done. I was doomed.


The plane landed faster than expected and we got off quickly taking our bags.

In front of the airport was waiting one of Dad's drivers, Colby. We got in the car and he helped with the baggages. He drove off and took us home. On our way there, taking all of the houses and buildings in my view, I realized something. I didn't miss Italy at all.

Burning meOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora