Chapter five - Axel

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Her muscles tensed at my last question, but it was probably because I had touched her and had invaded her personal space. If someone wanted to do that and couldn't, all they had to do was call me and I'd do it.

I never had restrains, though, I felt guilty then for that trespassing.

She didn't say a thing for a long moment, before she looked up at me over her shoulder, slight fear read on her features. "What makes you think I am lying?"

Your eyes. I wanted to say. Because her eyes showed so much pain I didn't think she had shared with anyone. Or a somewhat suspicion that I just caught her. Two options. But there's also a third. Both.

I licked my lips looking in those crystal blue eyes, which turned so intense they look like an ocean blue. What was with those eyes that they looked so damn familiar?

I shook my head and took my hand away. "Just a feeling, freckles..." I whispered, looking at her colors.

Seeing the sketch spread on her walls in grey, I could only imagine how they would've looked in color. Her eyes returned to the canvas, the brush in her hand applying the color. A dreadful and aching silence thickened the air in an instant.

"What do you want to paint?" I asked, taking steps back towards the couch and leaning on it.

She hummed and looked at the walls, taking a step back. "Not sure..." A smirk curled the corner of her lips. "Why don't you come later on to see?"

My brows shot up and I felt my heart skip a beat. She wanted to see me again? Wow, did she hit her head with something? Probably.

"You just want to get rid of me." I teased grinning.

She shook looking down. "No, actually it would be easier for me to concentrate and not fuck it up when someone isn't watching." She explained.

I frowned, trying to catch her game. A smirk appeared on my lips at the realization. "So I'm a distraction."

She chuckled and I could swear that sound was one of the purest and sweetest sounds I have ever heard. "Something like that. I have the tendency to fuck things up when people watch me. Well, in some cases." She looked away, and I could feel a deeper meaning at what she had said.

"Okay," I yawned tiredly and spread myself on the couch, folding forearm over my eyes. "Don't mind me, I'll just take a nap here."

She giggled. "Sure, just don't blame me if you wake up with a blue moustache..." She whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." She cleared her throat.

"That's what I thought." I closed my eyes and managed to ignore the painful light hitting my eyes. Thankfully I was too damn tired to be bothered by it. Course I had to sleep with one eye open since I didn't want a moustache or some obscene signs on my face. I didn't exactly know what to expect from the girl.

Hours later I felt something heavy on my legs which kept bothering me most of the time I slept. I opened one eye, to make sure it was worth waking up for and rose my head to look at my legs.

An arm was on my feet, the arm belonging to freckles who was sleeping on the edge of the couch, with her hands green and her face filled with different colors. I muffled a laugh as I slowly got up and saw the terrible position she fell asleep in.

Rubbing my eyes and yawning, I took her hand, trying to move as gently as possible, but she felt my movement. She jumped at my touch, snapping her head up.

I was a little taken by surprise by her reaction, her eyes gazing the room, before they landed on me, a frown curling her brows and lips. God, she looked so cute
. "What are you still doing here?" She asked, her voice hoarse and muffled as she rubbed her eyes with the back of her fingers.

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