25 - Sometimes Dreams Come True

Start from the beginning

Just as the darkest hour of the night falls
Just as the world is hushed and silent
Just as dreamland beckons,
I'll think of you

Every day
Every hour
Every moment
I'll think of you through the miles
and love you.

- R

(There you go, there's secretly a romantic hidden inside me too 😉 )

Juice had sunk down on his bed again. His thumbs were brushing the paper, the ink. He felt overwhelmed by the love that lied in those words and wiped his eyes when he noticed he'd become emotional. His love for this man ran so deep, he just lacked the words. Every time they saw each other, every time they were holding each other, every time they said their goodbyes, his feelings grew stronger. Even now Raine was on his way to the southern border, he'd found words that hit him hard. Taking a deep breath to gain control over his emotions, he lifted the paper and pressed his lips to it, his eyes closed. 

"I wish I had the luxury to think about you all day," he whispered. Reluctantly, he put away the note which felt like his most precious belonging right now and headed to the living room, before he would sit for hours on his bed, trapped in memories that would only make him miss his boyfriend more. 

"Hey," Mouse greeted him when he sat down next to her on the couch, his breakfast in his lap. "How was yesterday? You enjoyed your dinner?"

Despite everything, he smiled. "Yeah, it was... amazing. Unfortunately our time together was really short; he needed to be back in Oakland very early and I was called to the clubhouse last night. Mary disappeared, she's probably taken by the same people who attacked Hap and Tig."

Shock filled her eyes. "Good Lord, that's awful. And you haven't found a lead?"

Sadly, Juice shook his head. "No, we wait until they make their demands. For the time being I will escort you whenever you go outside." 

She nodded slowly and sighed. "Yeah... Hopefully you'll discover soon who's behind all this, and why..." Mouse laid her hand across his and squeezed. "You okay?"

He bent his head. "Raine went to South Cali because they needed back-up. We don't know how long he wil stay there – it might be for over a month."

She sighed. "Just what you needed..." She leaned with her head against his shoulder. "I'm sorry to hear that, sweetheart. I know how much you want to be with him. Was it a nice evening yesterday, even though it was so short?"

"Yeah... It really was. He didn't think a bit of romance was stupid. He even wanted me to light candles and put on a romantic song," he told her. For some reason it had meant a lot to him; it felt like Raine liked every side of him and he never needed to pretend around him. 

Mouse laughed quietly. "My bad ass bikers. I thought you would do whole different kind of things after being apart for so long." She gave him a playful wink. 

He felt his cheeks get heated. "We also did other things. I umm – I took him in my mouth. For the first time." He bit his lip. It sounded cumbersome, but sucked his dick sounded to blunt for something that had felt so... heavenly. 

"Did you like it?"

Her voice sounded calm. She knew it had been a big step for him, that it had been something he'd struggled with. 

"Yeah he – he really enjoyed it. And I did too."

She squeezed his hand once more. "Very well. Was he also ready? To please you, I mean?"

"He was on his way... but then Chibs called and I had to leave."

"Fucking Chibs..." She chuckled, shaking her head. "But well, at least you've something to look forward to," she winked. "To once he's back. And hey, you two can do some cam sex." She wiggled her eyebrows. 

Before he met Raine, he didn't think there were forms of sex that could make him blush, but he really felt like an experimenting school boy now. His heart started to beat faster instantly. 

"Yeah, maybe," he muttered. "He umm – he left me a really sweet poem." He got up, headed to his bedroom and handed Skye the note. He wasn't sure why he wanted to show it to her. Probably because all this still felt like a dream and he just felt really blessed to have such a sweet boyfriend. 

Tears filled Skye's eyes when she read the text. 

"It's so beautiful, honey," she said quietly, kissing his cheek. "I think it's very special that you two dare to be so vulnerable and sensitive while you live in such a macho world."

Juice smiled, his thumb running across the edge of the paper. He was happy they both had a soft side and dared to show it.

"You have no idea how much I hope your clubs can make this work," she said. "That they can form an alliance or something. It could really strengthen the positions of your clubs." She chuckled. "Just like the old times, when they let royalty of different kingdoms marry." She leaned against him. "I just hope you will be able to marry him one day. Your love deserves to be seen in broad daylight."

Juice bent his head. He had never thought about a marriage, and certainly not with a man, but the thought of it made the butterflies in his stomach flutter. He stared at his hand, imagining a ring around his finger. It was way too early to seriously consider it, but he couldn't deny the way his blood was rushing through his veins right now. He sighed, knowing it was a slight chance that it would really happen one day. "That's just a dream, Mouse," he muttered. 

She wrapped her arms around him, giving him a squeezing hug. "Sometimes dreams come true, sweetie."

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