Kiss on the Balcony

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When he saw the tears start to fall down the pretty girl's warm eyes that looked like Dudley's favorite chocolate, he frowned. Deciding to come and help her, or at least drive the mean children away, he stood up from his position on the balcony floor as he ran as quickly as his tiny feet could take him towards the group of bullies and the prettiest little girl he has ever seen.

Panting hard as he reached the group, he screamed as loudly and as menacingly as he could possibly muster, "Hey! Get away from her or else!"

The group of bullies looked at him. The trio of girls gave him a look of disgust and the fat boy merely raised an eyebrow before bursting out in giggles. His frowned deepened. Why couldn't they just get away from the pretty girl and leave her alone?

"Oohhh... Beaver face has a savior!" One of the mean girls said before laughing out loud.

He glanced at the pretty girl crying on the grass. Since she placed her head in between the folded arms plonked on her knees, she wiped her tears away before she looked up at him. There was a confused look on her face and something like a hopeful smile. That's a good sign, isn't it?

"Look here, skinny! We don't care who you are with your dirty rags for clothes. Just leave us here with Beaver face!" The fat bully yelled to his face. This boy is so much bigger than him, he's almost as big as Dudley. Well, it's a good thing that no other boy could be bigger than Dudley, so I'm sure I got this...

So, since he's used to getting away from Dudley's punches, he decided to take the risk. Taking a deep breath, he closed his left hand into a tight fist, and with as much strength as he could pour, he punched the fat bully straight in the face. When the fat bully fell on his bum, he noticed that the other girls ran away from them.

He ran to the pretty girl and knelt in front of her. Someone so pretty shouldn't be crying here all alone.

"Are – are you okay?" He asked nervously. What if she won't talk to a freak like me?

A pair of warm brown eyes turned to him as if gauging his sincerity. So, he gave her a shy smile. When she turned to him, with a big grin on her face, he noticed that two of her front teeth were much larger than the rest. To him, it made her look friendlier and nicer. So, he liked her front teeth. Well, he liked her very much. She's the prettiest girl he's ever seen after all!

"Thank you for helping me," she said.

"Here – er, let me help you get up," he held out a hand to her and he helped her to stand. Her hand felt good to hold since her skin is so smooth, unlike his skin that's filled with scars. Since he usually gets burns when he cooked something, his hands were rough, unlike the pretty girl's smaller hand. His cheeks flushed as he felt embarrassed about his calloused and scarred hand. Would she feel grossed out from touching me?

"I – I'll tell my mummy on you, skinny kid!" The fat bully screamed as he awkwardly stood up from his position on the grass. Giving him and the pretty girl one last glare, he too ran away. Good! You better leave this pretty girl alone, he thought.

"Hi! I'm Hermione Granger," the pretty girl dressed in the most beautiful shade of blue, grinned at him.

"Er, hello," he said shyly. I can't let her know I'm a freak!

"Thanks again for helping me," she tucked a long curly ringlet of her wild hair behind her ear.

"You're welcome," he shrugged before turning away.

"Wait!" She yelled frantically.

"Are you alright?" He immediately looked at her with worry.

"Yes, but I – I, can you stay with me for a while?" She blushed. The faint pinkish color on her cheeks made her look even prettier if that was possible.

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