Chapter 75 (Luke)

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Chapter 75
{Two Months Later}
Mature Content

    I'm walking up the hill from training the high school campers.  Their mentor had them go on a field trip here just for me to train and I couldn't be more honored.  The Roman college campus is beautiful, to say the least.  It's like any other college campus, with hundred year old brick walls covered in ivy and aroma-filled cafés.  Heading up to Thalia's and my dorm I hear her voice and I smile.  Taking off my shirt, I head over to the bedroom.  But just as I'm about to turn the corner I hear her again. 

"Ohmm," I hear and I instantly perk up.  She pants and moans quietly.  I slowly walk over to the corner and peek inside the bedroom.  "Oh gods," she gasps.  "Luke."  She's against the white sheeted bed, touching herself.  "Luke," she pants, unaware that I'm watching her. 

     I take off my tight boxers and head inside.  Her nine month pregnant belly is so sexy to me.  I feel the tightness in my groin and nearly attack her as she continues touching herself to the thought of me.  Her eyes closed and her mouth open.  Her legs at the edge of the bed and spread wide.  I watch her for a minute, just taking in the beauty of it all.  I walk closer.

"Awww," she moans, continuing.

     I take myself in hand and stroke a few times.  I can see from here that she's soaked.  I certainly understand, we haven't had sex in what feels like forever.  Positioning myself, I chuckle.  She yelps in surprise. 

"I'm almost offended, baby," I give her a wide smile before slowly plunging into her.  I moan with relief.  So tight!  She moans loudly and bucks her hips up onto me.  "Touching yourself without me here," I scoff.  "Why didn't you just say you wanted me, huh?  I would have come running."  I hiss as she wraps around me tighter.  She laughs, smiling through her moans.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she giggles, putting her arms above her head, her lips spilling whimpers.  "You were training, I felt like I couldn't-" I give her a harsher thrust to show how that was not the correct thing to do.  "Oh gods!" she whimpers.  I slow down again.  "Please, please!  I won't do it again," she smiles, her cheek against the mattress.  "Just please, faster," she pants.  I put her legs to the side and pin them down.

"Thalia," I moan as I speed up.

"Oh gods..I love you," she gasps and moans, scratching at the bedsheets.

"I-I love you," I moan.  You-you're..burning up," I pant in a daze.

"Please..please, I wanna..I need to," she whimpers.  She can't even make a coherent sentence.  It really has been too long.


     A lot has happened since we all got here two months ago.  Annabeth is studying architecture and is at the top of her class.  Percy is studying to be a marine biologist, who is also at the head of his class.  Piper, a marriage counselor.  Jason is studying to become a police officer.  He is into justice. 

     Leo will be a blacksmith for obvious reasons.  Calypso is still trying to figure the world out, but she says she wants to open up a flower shop.  Will is continuing his degree to be a doctor.  Nico wants to be an antique collector and open up his own shop, something about wanting to help the spirits attached to those old things move on to the underworld.  Hazel wants to be a jewelry designer and Frank wants to be a zookeeper, again for obvious reasons.  We are all going in our own directions and slowly crawling to success.  And me?  I'm going to stay in Camp Half Blood, working and training the kids.  I owe it to myself and the camp to right what I've done wrong in the past.

     We all have our own dorms in the same building.  Well, more like apartments with our spouses.  Thalia and I, Percy and Annabeth, Piper and Jason, and so on.  They have super thin walls so we all have to be a bit careful when it comes to 'being too loud' but that's just a thrill to me, possibly being heard.

     Heading over to the Law Department buildings, I see Thalia coming carefully down the stairs from her classroom's building.  She's studying to be a lawyer.  She's going to be a good one at that.  Any day now the baby will be born.  She's so beautiful carrying our child. 

     Her belly is more of a statement than even her wedding ring.  She's mine boys, back off!  She smiles at me as I give her a big grin.  Using my speed, I race over and help her down the stairs.  She rolls her eyes but doesn't complain.  All of a sudden she stops.

"What's wrong?" I ask with concern.

"I-I think-" her eyes are wide.

"Thalia, what's wrong?" I ask more frantically  

"Luke," she tries to get me to calm down.  I nod.  "My water just broke," she says calmly with a smile.

"What?" I ask, confused.  She gives me a look, the smile still there.  "Oh..OOH!" I shout.  She laughs at my stupidity as I quickly pick her up bridal style and fast walk to the infirmary.


     I hold her death gripping hand and encourage her through every contraction, every ear splitting scream, every heart wrenching push till our son is born at precisely 4:02 p.m.  The little thing starts to softly gurgle and wiggle around as I cut the umbilical cord.  Thalia starts to finally relax and breathe more normally.  She's been through enough.  I kiss her sweat dampened forehead.

"You did great, baby.  I love you, thank you so much," I softly whisper in her ear, tears rimming my eyes.  She smiles tiredly up at me.

     Once they're done cleaning him up, Will hands our newborn to Thalia.  Both of us gasp, looking at him fully for the first time.  He has Thalia's royal blue eyes with flecks of my icy blue.  He has my facial features, only more chubby, and Thalia's thick black hair. 

"He's beautiful," she begins to cry.

"What do you want to name him?" I ask, close by her side.  The little boy smiles softly at us before going back to a confused frown.  The tough little guy isn't even tired!

"Luke Jr," she says kiddingly with a huge, but tired smile.  I laugh.

"How about our names together?" I ask hopefully.  She thinks for a moment.

"Luka," she says lovingly, kissing his forehead lightly.  I smile softly.

"I love it," I say kissing them both on the head.

     Everyone comes into the room as we look down at our little boy.  Everyone whisper yells with excitement as they crowd us.  Thalia and I both chuckle as they look down at Luka in awe. 

"He's so beautiful," Annabeth gushes. 

"What's his name?" Percy asks as I wrap the baby up in a small blanket and cradle him.

"Luka," Thalia and I say at the same time with smiles on our faces.

"Can I hold him?" they all whimper their pleas. 

     One at a time they all get to hold him and each time Luka doesn't cry, he just stares in wonder at everything.  Percy and Annabeth hold him last and Annabeth nearly cries.  Percy smiles down at him.

"So beautiful," Annabeth repeats with tears in her eyes.

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