Chapter 61 (Thalia)

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Chapter 61
🔱Pretty in Black🔱

My skin turns even more deathly pale then it already naturally is as I vomit into the toilet bowl. Luke lifts my hair out of my face as I continue, rubbing his hand soothingly in wide circles on my back.

"We're going to have to talk about this eventually, Thalia," Luke says with concern. "You took a test and it said positive, right? Which means you're pregnant with my child. I know we're too young to be parents, but I really don't want you to get an abortion. I want you and this baby.  I want us all to be together as a family."

Tears stream down my face, "Shut up, Luke! "Just shut up!" I yell. He looks hurt, but tries to comfort me by hugging me from behind. I'm so filled with emotion and confusion and rage that I lash out, harshly pushing him away.

"WE DON'T EVEN KNOW IF IT'S YOURS!!!" I scream. He looks taken aback by this, more pain forms in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" he asks quietly, looking down at me with his signature puppy dog eyes. He does it without even realizing it when he's sad or hurt.

"IT COULD BE ALEC'S FOR ALL WE KNOW, LUKE!! THAT EVIL BASTARD HAD HIS WAY WITH ME! HE FINISHED IN ME!" I yell. "You don't think there's even a possibility that it isn't yours?" I say more quietly, tears streaming down my face.

"I-I, I um," he stutters.

"EXACTLY!" I yell. He sighs and hugs me on the floor, his cheek against mine.

"Anything that is a part of you I'll love unconditionally, Thalia. It's up to you wether you want this or not. It's your body that will give birth, it's your soul that will be connected to this child, it is your choice. I won't judge on whatever you decide, okay?"

I sob as I give him a quick kiss, not wanting him to taste the vomit in my mouth. I'm so confused, angry and flustered. And he's being nothing but a loving fiancé. I love him so much.

"I...I think-" I then feel the emergency phone in my pocket buzz so I quickly look at it. Luke, knowing we only use our phones for emergencies, looks over my shoulder.

Family meeting. We all need to talk. I finally have her back. Meet at Percy's apartment in an hour.
- Leo

Luke and I look at each other, "Who's her?" Luke asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"Maybe that Lilly girl he took with us to the hotel?" I furrow my eyebrows.

"I guess we'll find out," he says sweetly kissing my cheek.

I brush my teeth, wash my face, put on my usual dark make up, brush out my hair, and get dressed, then we're off. Luke looks handsome as usual in his bad boy good looks. A black leather jacket, white shirt, and jeans. He looks like Danny Zuko from Grease, minus the hair. I giggle and he smirks.

"What's so funny, beautiful?"

"Nothing," I say. He smiles before putting his arm around my shoulders as we walk.


When we get to Percy's apartment we find that we're the first ones there. A caramel color haired girl with big almond doe eyes stares at us from the kitchen table with aw and fascination. She's wearing a baggy sweatshirt and jeans. She looks at us like she's never seen punk before. I ignore her rude staring and smile sweetly.

"Hi, I'm Thalia," I say, putting my hand out for her to shake. "And this is my fiancé, Luke." Luke smiles at the girl. She smiles back at the both of us. She then stares at my hand like she doesn't know what to do with it. I put it back down.

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