Chapter 48 (Annabeth)

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Chapter 48

     I had to return to Alec without letting Thalia know, I could feel him pull at my heartstrings in the middle of the night.  I can literally hear his smooth British accent in my head.

"Come to me, love, you'll be spending the night."

     I put a hoodie over my head, sweat shorts up my legs, and put my hair in a messy curly q bun before slipping on my sneakers.  Heading out of my room, I pass Thalia's open door and peer inside, wanting to call out to her, but my mouth's clamped shut.  Looking inside I see Thalia's having a dream.

"Luke..Luke," she whimpers in a dazed sleep.  I slowly sneak passed into the kitchen then out the door. 

"There's something Thalia isn't telling me, I know it," I think, irrelevant to the 'I'm in so much trouble' situation.

"That was totally a wet dream," I imagine Alec smirk.

"So this is what you do all day?  Prying into girls heads?  You perv!" I growl.  He chuckles. 

"A man has needs," I can hear the smile in his voice.

"You are no man," I spit.

"Let's get to know each other while you walk," I hear him say.

"I'll pass," I roll my eyes.

"You don't have to lift a finger darling, I'm in your head after all.  I'll take a look around myself," he says coolly. 

     I begin to panic and imagine a lockbox safe in my mind, putting all my private secrets in one after the other as I walk out the door. 

"Trying to hide, huh?" he chuckles. 

     He starts prying open the safes one by one with brute strength.  I scream and crouch on the floor from pain. 

"Ah, here we are, from your medical records to the deepest memories of your childhood, even your secrets."  I breathe heavily as my head bursts with pain. 

"No!  Get out! Get out!" I scream a few homeless people on the street stare at me, but the pain is too much for me to care.  I hear him roar with rage.

"You're not pure?!!" he asks furiously.  "I can't believe I didn't notice, you lying slut.  You are my toy, not HIS!  UHHH!"  He then sighs.  "No matter," he breathes.  "I am going to kill your beloved!" 

     Not that I don't hate Percy right now, but not enough for him to die, my hatred for him will never be enough for him to die.

"I never lied, I just never told you," I growl.

"From now on you tell me everything important!" he barks demandingly.

"I slept with Percy Jackson last night!" my mouth blurts out with his power.

"You bitch!  Who hasn't slept with that boy?!  I mean, I raped this girl named Thalia Grace just a couple hours ago, even went as far as to make it look like a clumsy weed dealer that got me mad.  Getting inside her head, making her think I was someone else, all too easy, but that's my right!  You're a thing, an it, you are property!"

"WHAT!" I scream. Thalia was raped?  By Alec?

     I feel my feet walk with no intention of stopping.  My body is nothing but obedient as I take the elevator to his floor.  He's waiting for me when I get to the top. 

Truths Can Heal (A Percy Jackson Fanfic) COMPLETEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن