Chapter 56 (Annabeth)

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Chapter 56

I wake up to my dance dress for Hazel and Frank's wedding. A beautiful strapless silver at the top then fades to night blue sequin dress, with a puffed out skirt, a heart neckline, and a corset with silver to blue ribbon in the back to tie it up. I smile at the thought of Frank and Hazel getting married. Getting ready for school in some dark blue washed out skinny jeans and a red tank top, I put on a little makeup and style my hair in it's natural curls before heading into the kitchen to grab some honey and buttered toast. I can't help but be in a good mood.

Percy's in my life again and everything just seems right with the world now that we're back together. Percy was being controlled by Victoria. That wasn't his fault, I knew that. And I've forgiven him for not telling me the truth about it. After having this experience, getting out of Tartarus, as well as defeating him and Victoria all those months ago, as well as defeating Alec, I feel like I've grown even more in love with Percy then ever before.

"Come on, Piper! We don't want to be late," I say a little too excitedly through a mouth full of half chewed toast. Piper smirks before she yawns, still not fully awake yet.

"We have fifteen minutes till we have to leave, you just want to get there so you can have an early morning make out session with Sir. Drools a lot before class," she smirks.

I blush, twirling my pointer finger through my side bang. Rolling my eyes, I sit down on the couch and turn on the tv to the news where the president has done something disrespectful and disgraceful, the usual for him, though I'm not really listening. Thoughts of Percy keep distracting me. I bite my lip in thought of a couple weeks ago in the morning before he dropped me off at the apartment. I wonder if we'll ever be able to shower together without it turning into something pleasurable. I smile to myself.


When we get to school, I lay my shoulder against my locker, waiting for Piper to get her stuff. But suddenly, hands come around my face and cover my eyes.

"Guess who," a sexy male voice whispers in my ear. I can smell the mint on his breath and the faint smell of his natural ocean scent along with his cologne tickles my nose pleasantly. I smile wide.

"Is it Jason?" I tease. I can feel him roll his eyes.

"You have two more chances before I smack your bottom in public," he growls in my ear playfully. I can hear Piper giggle into her hand.

"Mmhmmm," I hum. "Is iiiit..Octavian?" I smile.

"Why in the actual hell would Octavian be here and up on my girl when he knows I'd knock his teeth in if he even tried? Jason too for that matter!" he laughs.

"Is iiiit...the love of my life?" I smile wider.

"Damn straight," he growls, turning me around and putting his hands around me to bring me closer. I open my eyes to the material of a blue hoodie so I look up as he smiles down at me. "Have you been seeing Octavian behind my back?" he asks jokingly.

"Maybe," I say, although I squirm at the thought.

He laughs and tilts my chin up to meet his lips. I giggle as his lips melt into mine. I put my arms around his neck and put my fingers through the back of his hair, bringing him closer.

"I love you," he gasps between kisses, looking into my eyes with a dazzling smile.

"I love you too, seaweed brain," I giggle, nudging my nose against his.

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