Chapter 47 (Percy)

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Chapter 47
{At the party}
🔱Punches and Ink🔱

"I need to go use the bathroom, I be right back," Ash said drunkenly.

"No prob, babe," I slurred. I wasn't acting like myself as I partied hard with a bunch of girls, grinding up against them as they did the same to me, bending down against them to help me stay between their legs.

"Hey big boy," Sasha slurred sexily behind me,

     I turned around and instantly she put her hands on my face and molded her lips to mine. I twirled her tongue with mine and it felt good to be distracted again and again.

"Why don't we go into the bathroom for a little privacy," she smirked.

     I paused, thinking about how much pain I was in and how I didn't give two flying Pegasi about anything. I nodded, but I didn't show her the face of someone who cared.


Unbuttoning my pants with her teeth and a firm tug, my pants fell to the ground as my heavy erection sprang free. Sasha's mouth formed an 0 as she stared at me pulsating.

"Big boy indeed," she committed. I laughed drunkenly. She then grabbed me, making me hiss as I fist her perfectly iron curled blonde hair. But as I looked at her in my drunken daze, her curls became more like ringlets, her blue eyes turned into my girl's silver fire.

"Annabeth," I whimpered out a moan.

"What?" she asked. "Does that feel good?" she said, obviously not hearing me.

"Yea..yea..just keep doing what you're doing," I gasped as she put me into her mouth. In one single motion, she plunged me deep down her throat. Expertly sucking her swollen lips around me, pumping me to the rhythm and twirling her slick tongue along my shaft. She did this till I was close before standing up off her knees, and turning, sliding down her thong before I stop her.

"What's wrong?" she pouted.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I just can't."

I've already made that mistake once and that was when I was being influenced, I wasn't going to make that same mistake again. Sasha threw a fit and slapped me across the face for being a jerk. And she was right..I was a jerk. I didn't remember any of that until the morning I woke in Annabeth's bed, some things were still blurry. All I remember is that she blew me and I let her. So, now I'm here, outside Annabeth's door angry at something I shouldn't have the audacity to be mad about. And I just made something that was already bad on it's own worse and in a very angry way. Fan-tastic! She'll never forgive me.


"YOU DID WHAT?!" Jason says. He hits me with a good right hook across the jaw in anger. "You idiot!" Jason shouts. Thank gods my mom isn't home.

"Do you ever get tired of hurting me?!" I shout back from the floor.

"Not when you keep giving me good reasons to hurt you!" he shouts again.

I sigh. "Anyway, then there was Annabeth. She..let me spend the night," I mumble.

"She what?!" Leo and Jason say in unison.

"Yea, she was drunk, like I mean really drunk. Like so drunk that she practically made me sleep with her. Well she didn't make me because I wanted it too, I mean how could I say no..she's just so-"

"Okay! Okay!! We get it, sheesh," Leo waves his hands in the air to stop me, not wanting a mental image of Annabeth and I.

"So yea, then this morning I said something dumb that I shouldn't have, but I was just so mad at her for blowing that wannabe badass, Alec Anderson."

"She gave Alec-,"...Leo cuts himself off in astonishment. "Wow, she really is pissed at you."

"I know!" I shout.

"What did you say to her this morning?" Jason asks.

"I told her that I had sex with Sasha last night," I admit sadly.

"Did you?" Jason asks.

"No! Gods no!" I shake my head.

"Then why the hell did you say that you did?" Jason asks.

"Because she pissed me off!" I groan. "She had oral sex with someone who wasn't me."

"So let me get this straight," Leo says, massaging the bridge of his nose. "You're mad at Annabeth who had oral with Alec even though you did the exact same thing with the one person she absolutely hates, and you basically did it just to hurt her. And let me just say that technically you aren't even together," Leo sighs exasperatedly. "Is that about right, Casanova?" he asks sarcastically.

"Yeaaaa," I sigh, bitting my lip.

"Nice job," Jason says sarcastically.

"Do you think she still loves me?" I ask sadly.

"She wouldn't have slept with you if there weren't feeling still there, but who knows, she's changed a lot since you two broke up," Jason says. "She's convinced that you don't truly love her and it's going to be hard to change her mind," he explains.

"I know," I say sadly looking down at the floor. That's it, I'm officially a terrible person.


I hadn't talked to Ash since the party and I met her up at Starbucks for a drink. I never drank coffee before, but I've been so sleep deprived that I feel like I need it. I still have dreams of Annabeth when shes's not with me.

"So," Ash says quietly. "Are you okay, you know, since the party?" she asks.

"I'm worse," I sigh. "I made a couple more huge mistakes and I'm drowning in them," I say, looking out at the busy street as I take another bitter sip of my straight black coffee.

"I'm sorry," she says sadly looking down at her apple caramel latte. "Things got a little out of hand," she admits.

"Yea," I sigh.

"Are we, you know, still friends?" she asks.

"Yea," I try to smile. It's sad how we are now, it's not awkward, but it's more quiet, less enthusiastic.

"Okay, this is getting depressing...let's go get tattoos," she smiles warmly.


I don't know how, but I find myself getting a tattoo, I'm eighteen now so I can legally do it. A muscular guy with trimmed few week old stubble and tattoos up and down his arms, with actual belts wrapped around his wrists asks me what I want and I don't even have to blink. Annabeth written with a beautiful cursive, perfectly colored in with black ink. I put it on my chest, right onto my heart. It's official to the world. I want her. Only and forever her.

Truths Can Heal (A Percy Jackson Fanfic) COMPLETEWhere stories live. Discover now