Chapter 52 (Percy)

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Chapter 52
🔱Two Parts of A Whole🔱

"Wait.  No one knows where she is?" I ask, standing up from the table.  I feel like a rock just fell into my stomach. 

"No," everyone says in unison.  Thalia, Luke, Piper, Jason, Leo, and I all sit around a table at a Starbucks down the street from my apartment.

"What?!  How doesn't anyone know?!  Thalia!  You were with her last and you don't know anything?" I ask frantically.

"No.  All I know is that she got up in the middle of the night and left," she says worriedly.

"Percy, think," Luke says calmly.  "Is there anyone who'd want to hurt you or her?" he asks, giving me eye contact while taking a sip of his black coffee. 

"No!  No one," I say, but then I think for a moment.  "Wait.  Alec Anderson was pretty lovey dovey with her.  But he wouldn't kidnap her, right?" I ask.

"Wait.  His last name is Anderson?" Luke asks.  "Wasn't that the last name of that Victoria girl?" he asks, gritting his teeth nervously.  I'm silent for a moment my eyes wide.  Then I start talking really fast, pacing around.

"They're siblings!  Which means I killed Alec's sister preferably little sister which means I killed someone who he was probably close to meaning he would want to take it out on me also meaning he wants to get to someone I love which means-," I cut myself off with a huge gasp.  "Annabeth!" I breathe.


"Where are we going?" Thalia asks me as we all head down the sidewalk. 

"I DON'T KNOW!" I shout.  I'm so worried.  What if he's done something to her?  What if I never see her again?  No, no, don't think that way.  You have to find her!  YOU HAVE TO FIND-

"PERCY!" Thalia yells.

"WHAT?!" I snap with crazy, wide eyes.
Piper clears her throat.

"We don't know where she is. Why don't we stop, think, and process," Piper tries to calm me.

"Let's go back to your place.  We can figure something out there," Thalia nods.  I try to take a deep breath and nod.


"Wait.  You want to do what?" Jason asks.

"Alec is part of the school's system, he had to be in order to get to Annabeth.  So, we break into the school, get on one of the main office computers, look him up, and find an address," Piper says pacing the room.  I want to kiss her cheek, it's so genius.  Jason looks at her with wide eyes.

"How didn't I know that you were an evil mastermind?" he smiles.  She smiles back.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me, babe," she winks.

"Marry me," he says in a love struck gaze, she giggles.  A few seconds pass of us chuckling at Jason.

"Speaking of marriage," Luke sits up a few seconds later from the couch with Thalia by the hip.  Everyone's eyes go wide, including mine.  Thalia's smile is huge.

"WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!" she screams.  Piper screams along with her as she wraps her arms around Thalia and bounces her up and down.  Leo, Jason and I smile wide as we give Luke high fives and bro hugs.  Engaged.  Is it wrong to feel a bit jealous?  Annabeth.  We're putting this plan in motion tonight and no one is going to get in my way.


     All of us dress in all black hoodies and beanies as we head down the street toward the school.  Jumping over the fence to the field.  Thalia takes out a bobby pin with a skull on it from her hair and jimmies the lock till we all here a click and head inside. 

Truths Can Heal (A Percy Jackson Fanfic) COMPLETEحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن