The Monster In My Dream

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        ~Y/N'S POV~


        I awoke in a meadow. It was so beautiful, but that wasn't the best part. Toby was there! He ran over to me and picked me up and spun me around. I giggled as he spun me around and around. I never wanted this to end. 

        Until Toby dropped me. He looked at me with fear written all over his face. He backed away slowly. I asked "What's wrong, Toby?" He put his hands up for defense. Like, someone was going to hurt him. He slowly pointed to something behind me. I looked at it, I saw why he was scared, I did the same. I backed away slowly.        

        "What do you want with me, with us?!" I yelled with frustration. The monster growled, showing its very sharp teeth. I could barely stand to look at its flaky grey skin, it's red eyes, with long, thick nails and how tall it was on two legs. It also had a dragon tail. I raised my hand, only to get myself swatted across the meadow. 

        It roared loudly. Toby was running, leaving me behind. At least he is saving himself. I got up slowly, that hit to the air right out of me. Once I was on my two feet again, I put up my hand. I was furious! "How dare you ruin a perfect dream?" I said smiling like a mad man. This monster thing just snarled.

        I laughed at it. The monster got down on all fours, like it was going to run. I heard a voice in my head telling me to use my powers. "Take this time to practice, darling." the voice said. I shivered at the voice, it was so deep and creepy. I needed to focus on getting well with my powers. Little did I know, the monster was already charging at me. I quickly dodged the blow, luckily. I backed up some more, giving a little bit more time. 

        I remembered how I made fire come out of my hands. I could feel that rage. Does it come by my emotions? I shrugged and try to get the rage to build up. I closed my eyes and then opened them again, feeling like a whole different person. 

        The monster had turned around, ready for another round. I looked down at my hands. Nothing. "Shit!" I whispered to myself, not paying attention, giving the monster a chance to attack. The monster bolted at me. Sadly, I didn't dodge this. I went flying to the down with a massive weight on me. I screamed in pain. "Come on! Use your powers! You have to practice! Now, get up and show this monster who's the boss!" the voice said again. I can't do it because I don't know how. 

        The monster leaned down with it's long, green tongue hanging out.  I could feel its breath brush against my face. Its breath smelt horrible! I clenched my fists with pain and anger mixed. I screamed as the monster dug its nail into my arm, leaving a small mark with blood coming out.

        I felt a snap. I looked at I had a black void surrounding me. I put out my hand and pictured me shooting this monster. It's like my mind made my wish come true. Black flame balls came flying out and shot the monster. The monster fell down in defeat.

        ~Dream Over~

        "(Y/N)? Are you okay?" I heard a familiar voice say. I let my eyes flutter open. I felt my body in sweats. My eyes connected with big brown ones. Toby. I smiled and rubbed my eyes. My arms hurt, everything did. My body was sore. "Yeah, I'm fine Toby. Just a bad dream." I said sounding tired. He smiled and patted my head softly.

       "You were screaming. On and off." Toby said breaking the silence. I raised my eyebrow. "I was?" I asked quietly. Toby nodded and asked "Hungry?" I nodded as Toby hopped out of the bed. Wait, did I fall asleep with Toby? A light dust of pink came across my face. Just of the thought of sleeping with him. Toby gave a weird look "Are you even going to get out of the bed?" I looked at him with a smiled and slightly nodded.

        I slowly got up and out of the bed. "Wow, you're moving slow, why?" Toby asked. I gave a glare and he shut right up. I smirked. We slowly made our way downstairs where everyone else was. Just in time for dinner. "You slept the whole day, (Y/N)." Toby whispered in my ear. I blushed a little more as I sat down next to Cherokee. Cherokee was to busy talking to Sally to notice me, until Sally said in a cheerful voice, "Everyone, (Y/N) is okay! She is out of bed!!" I laughed as everyone cheered. "We missed you, ya know?" Ben said. Of course he sat next to me, while Toby sat across from me. Masky was on the left of him, while Hoodie was on the right. 

        Everyone welcomed me back. It feels good to be back, finally!!


        :3 how was dat?! huhhhhh!?

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