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        I blacked out. 

               ~E.J POV!~

        "Ugh! I don't know what to do to her!" I said as I looking at her body. It seems like she was dead. But, I had to think of something before she woke up. I looked at Masky. He knew I needed help. I sighed and shook my head. I said "No, no. Don't help me. I need to do this on my own." Masky nodded and backed up a little, then walked and sat down. Finally after like 5 minutes I thought of what I should do! I smiled like a mad man! I was so excited!! 

             ~Time Skip + Your POV~         

        I woke up. I was in a bed. I slowly looked around and then I saw E.J walk in. He sounded cheerful "Oh! Your awake! You must see what I have done!" I smiled. I thought 'Is this it? I'm now a creepypasta? Wow.... that was easy!'. I slowly looked down at myself. I was wearing black skinny jeans, black boots that went a little below my knees, i had a black shirt  that it looked like some animal scratched me. , then i had a red tank top under that shirt, and i had a jacket. I smiled. E.J said "You like?" I nodded my head and said "Hell yeah! I look like a bad ass!" E.J chuckled a little. I smiled and got off the bed. He turned around and said "That's not all! Take off your jacket." You looked at him weird but did as he said. He smiled and said "Look in the mirror!" I ran over to the mirror. I was shocked! I couldn't believe it! I had black wings. They were huge! E.J said "Soon, you will be flying with them!" I started to put the jacket on and they disappeared. E.J said "Pretty cool, huh?" I nodded. I was smiling the whole time. I was glad with what he had done. E.J said "Now, go to your room and walk your sister down here. It's her turn." i nodded and walked out of the room and i remembered how I got here the first time. When I finally got to my room, I opened the door. Cherokee was staring out the window and Toby was sitting on the bed looking at the floor. Toby's head shot up and saw he. He smiled. Cherokee turned around and ran towards me and hugged me. I picked her up and whispered "It's you turn." she nodded and wrapped her arms around me. Toby got up and walked over to me and said "I'll go with you. We don't need you getting hurt." I smiled and said "Ha ha, yeah. I probably would by knowing myself." he chuckled and walked out the room and you followed him. He made it down the stairs. You slowly made your way down the stairs. 'I don't want to drop Cherokee or fall over her.' I thought to myself. That scared me, so I became more careful walking down the stairs. I finally got to the bottom and he started to walk and I just followed him until we got to the Surgery Room. He knocked and it quickly open then Toby grabbed my arm and pulled me in quickly. E.J was over by the equipment, getting ready for Cherokee's transformation. I turned around to see Masky. I turned back and walked over the bed and sat her down and whispered "It's okay baby girl. I will be here the whole time." she smiled. E.J put the needle behind his back and said "Just keep looking at Y/N, this will only take a second." I knew what he was doing. I wanted to stop him but i couldn't. He put the needle in her arm. I was watching him the whole time he was putting the needle in Cherokee's arm. It seemed like he was being gentle. Then I looked down at Cherokee. I heard E.J ask "Y/N, please sit down. I would prefer if you sat down because it puts less pressure on me." I nodded and I walked over and sat down between Toby and Masky. I looked at the ground wondering what she will look like. Toby put his hand on my band and started to rub my back and said "It's okay. She will be fine. E.J will be careful with her." I looked at him and said "I know that. But I'm just wondering what she will look like." then I looked back at the ground. Toby took his hand away from my back. I could see out of the corner of my eyes that they were both looking at me. I sighed. Waiting...... 

 A/N: i think you should know what your clothes look like he he i added somethings :}(says be brave)

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