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       "What are we watching" I asked Toby. Toby smirked and said "A movie! It's a surprise!" he seemed to be really excited for this. I sighed and stared at the screen. 'I know this movie. It's S/M! (S/M means Scary movie soo yeah! Pick a scary movie :3)  I mean who doesn't know this movie?' I thought to myself. "I haven't seen this in years! Ha ha, can't wait to watch it!" I pretty much yelled. Toby just chuckled. 

        ~After the movie~

        "You were scared!" Toby said. I shook my head and said "Those were jump scares! I wasn't scared one bit!" I said. I sighed. Toby laughed and said "So, that's why you are sitting on my lap again?" I blushed and quickly got off. I crossed my arms and started to walk out of the room. I heard Toby get up and walk behind me. I sighed and said "What? I can find my way back!" Toby covered my mouth with his hand. "Shhhh! You have to be quiet. There are some creepypasta's down here that aren't friendly to loud-mouths like you." he whispered. I nodded my head. He removed his hand from my mouth. I stepped and side so Toby could get past me and lead me back to where I needed to be. We finally got to the stairs after like 20 minutes. Then he said "Now, you can talk!" he smiled. 'You are so cute, Toby. Only if I could tell you. Well being best friends will be okay for now. I would like to take things slow with him. Plus, i'm pretty sure that he doesn't like someone like me.' I thought to myself

        ~Toby's POV~

        I snapped my fingers in front of Y/N's face. She must have been in deep thought. "What were you thinking about?" I asked. She smiled and said "Nothing you need to worry about, Toby!" I smiled. Before I can say something we heard a loud bang then the power went out. Great! I sighed as Slendy said "Toby, I want you to go on a mission. Get Y/N up here and then you need to come to my office.This is some serious stuff, Okay?" then I just nodded my head guessing that he could see me. Then after a minute he said "Toby, do you need a flash light?" I smirked and said "Yeah, we need one." Y/N wasn't saying anything. That's odd. Then I felt something cling on to me. I knew it was Y/N. 'Why is she clinging on to me? Is she scared or something?' I asked myself. I wonder what was going on with her. I didn't mind her clinging on to me. I smirked and thought 'Well, it's good to know that she trusts me, I hope. Maybe she feels safer with me? Ha ha, I hope so' before I knew it there was a flash light in my eyes. "What the hell?" I say trying to block the light. Y/N only hugged tighter. How cute. I felt my face heat up. Slendy handed me the flashlight. I said "Thanks, Slendy" Y/N has a strong grip. "No problem, Toby" Slendy said then he disappeared. I sighed and whispered to Y/N "Are you okay? You seem scared." All she did was nod her head. I just started to walk with Y/N clinging on to my arm. 

        ~After Y/N is in their room's and Toby is in Slendy's office~

        "Toby." Slendy said. I nodded my head. "Have a seat, child." Slendy said. I went down and sat down in the chair next to his desk."So, I actually have a few things to talk to you about." Slendy said. I was completely serious now. "What would you like me to do?" I asked. "I would like you to keep an eye on Y/N and Cherokee's father. I don't want him dying. Cherokee and Y/N must kill him. He lied to them. Only to leave with his other family." Slendy said. I clenched my fists. "How could a father do that? Just leave his kids and wife for someone else. I'll do it." Slendy replied "I have asked myself the same thing. But I don't know what was going through his head. But now he knows that Y/N and Cherokee are alive and missing, he suddenly wants to look for them." I nodded my head in understanding. I knew what I had to do. But that meant less time with Y/N. Oh well, missions come first. "Is that all Slendy?" I ask. Slendy shakes his head 'no' then speaks up "And we are going to talk about Y/N." My eye shot open. "W-what about her?" I ask nervously. "You like her. I want to make sure that you want her before you end up dating her. Toby, you must treat her good. That's all she needs. Someone who will treat her good. Now, you also have a time limit because Masky likes her too." Slendy said. My face was back to serious. I said seriously "Yeah, I know. I will get to her before anyone else. I will make sure she is mine and only mine" I forgot that I was with Slender. I sigh and I get up and start to walk back and forth across the room. Slendy just watched me, like he was studying me for some reason. (A/N: XD don't ask how Slendy is watching him... .-. he just is okay?). I was getting really stressed out. I whispered to myself "What if Masky hates me? What if he tries to kill me? What if Y/N doesn't like me and is giving me the wrong idea? I don't know. I just don't know. What is so special about her? Is her H/C H/L hair or her beautiful E/C? Ugh, why can't I figure this out?" Slendy tilts his head to the side. Confused. "Toby, Clam down! Y/N does like you. Unless she is a stalker. She took a picture of you while you were sleeping. Plus, don't forget that she kissed you and clung onto you for dear life when the power went out. We had a really bad thunder storm.  Oh and before I forget, We also learned that Cherokee does not like thunder storms. She was crying for Y/N. She didn't listen to anyone else. She wanted Y/N." I stopped and looked at him "Y/N says she likes them but yet seems kind of scared of them." I say. Slendy nodded his head in agreement. "Well, Toby say your goodbyes and get on with your mission." Slendy commanded. I nodded and walked out Slendy's office. 'Here I go to say goodbye to Y/N for a week. I have to kiss her one more time. Her soft pink lips are just so perfect. I love her so much. She will be mine. I will make sure of that!' I thought to myself making my way to my room to get myself ready for this mission........

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