Is this the end?

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         All Cherokee could do is hug you tighter. You thought to yourself 'If he touches her, I must do whatever it takes to protect her. I will not let anyone hurt her anymore'. You felt rage start to build up. You heard that creepy laughing again. Cherokee cried harder. You couldn't stand to hear her cry! You heard a popping noise. You yelled "Bastard! Leave us the hell alone! We didn't do anything!" you start to cry. But you made no sound because you know that's showing weakness. You didn't want this freak to know about you crying! The laughing got louder. You yelled "What the hell is your problem?!". Toby stopped laughing and said "Oh, this is to much. Stop. Your going to make me pee my pants!" you couldn't stand to listen to him. You sighed to calm yourself down and said "What do you want?" nothing happened. You heard footsteps walking towards you. Cherokee let go of you and went behind you. You whisper to her "It's okay baby girl. I will take care of this." Cherokee whispered "Okay...". The footsteps stop. You took a deep breath. Toby said "Now, Y/N is going to take of this? Don't make me laugh!" he twitched. Cherokee said in a scared voice "S-she will! She will kick your ass! I know it!" you both heard laughing. It got louder and louder. then just stopped. It was silent. You heard popping and ticking again. Toby sighed and said "Well, let's get this over with. I don't need idiots wasting my time." you heard something but you couldn't make out what it was. You slowly got up and said "Idiot? Are you just here to insult us or something?" you started to laugh. Cherokee knew you were going to go crazy on this Toby guy. Cherokee said "Sissy, please don't!" you stood there, frozen. You couldn't think of what to do. Toby said "Sis..." it was so quiet you didn't know if you heard him right. You were confused. You thought 'Sis? That's all he said. What does he mean by that?' Cherokee said quietly "Did you have a sister to?" you heard footsteps walk over to somewhere and then you heard someone sit down. Toby said "Y-yes. S-she passed away." you sat back down with Cherokee. Cherokee hugged you and whispered "I think he is like us.." you couldn't see anything. It was almost completely black. You looked at the alarm clock. The clock said 3:30 AM. You heard car pull up. 'Shit!' you thought. You said "T-toby, I think its best if you leave now." you could hear car doors slam. Cherokee screamed. You covered her mouth with your hand. You heard someone stand up. Then, glass shatter. You heard someone swing the door open. Then slammed it shut. You heard someone yell your name. You knew it was your brother. You made Cherokee let go. You slowly walk out of the room. You got some glass in your foot. You quickly pulled it out and ran into the living room. Will yelled at you. You say "S-sorry... I didn't mean to..." even though you didn't do it. Will walked over to you. He pushed you up against the wall. You could smell alcohol on this breath. He smiled. You turn your head because his breath smelt horrible! He said "Ugly bitch. No one loves you. Where's Cherokee?" you didn't answer. He let you go. Then he slapped you and yelled "ANSWER ME OR YOU WILL GET THE BEATING!" you smirked. You said "Will, how stupid are you? You think i will tell you where she is?" you laugh. He pushed you to the grond and said "You might wanna tell me where she is or else." you slowly got up. You said "Nope. Your not my mother or father. Your just my older brother that doesn't know shit!" he pushes you down to the ground again and kicks you. Over and over again. Then he took a stick. This stick was what he used to beat you and Cherokee with. He has had it ever since Pa died. He hit you with it. After he was done beating you he said "I hope you learned your lesson bitch. Maybe, next time you will fucking listen!" he walked over to the couch. He laid down and passed out. All you could do is just lay there. You thought 'Pa, come back. I don't know how much longer we can live like this.'. You felt tears slowly come down your face. You slowly got up. You had to ignore the pain. You had to get back to Cherokee. You slowly made your way up the stairs. You cried because of the pain. You failed to defeat Will. You got there and walked slowly to your bed. You slowly sat down and then laid down. You whispered "Ow...." Cherokee was laying down sleeping. You fell asleep crying and in pain. 


        Cherokee was shaking you. You woke up and looked at her and whispered "Good morning Cherokee." then you noticed she was crying. You sat up. Pain jolted through your body but you ignored it. Cherokee sniffled and said "Will is dead. Mama is dead!" you looked at her like she was crazy! You said "W-what?! They can't be! No way!" you smiled. Cherokee smiled to. You realized that her tears were tears of joy. You got up off you bed and went down stairs to the living room to see your brother (Will) and your mama dead. Then you saw a note. You walked over to the note and it said 'Hey, i saw what happened last night. I killed them for you. I'm sorry that i scared you. But i will be back. See ya soon! ~Toby'. You smiled and sighed. You thought 'Maybe, he isn't so bad'. You looked at Cherokee you could tell she had read the note. She was smiling. For once in the past 2 years you felt happy and so did Cherokee. Cherokee grabbed your hand. She said in  a cheerful voice "Toby also took care of your foot and cleaned up the glass!" you smiled. You said "Yeah, he isn't as bad as we thought. You were right. He is just like us. Maybe, that's why he didn't kill us." Cherokee pulled on your arm. You looked at her. Cherokee pointed to the corner. You saw Toby sitting there, sleeping. You walked over to him and sat down right in front of him. Waiting.... Waiting for him to wake up. Cherokee came over and sat beside you. You thought 'This is kind of creepy, watching him sleep.' you laugh a bit. Toby woke up and looked at you both. Toby said "What the hell? Why are you guys watching me sleep?!" Cherokee smiled. Cherokee said in a sweet voice "We wanted to say thank you for helping us out a bit.. But aren't you going to kill us?" Toby still looked tired. Toby said "I was on a mission. That mission was to kill them. Not you guys. Plus we should get out of here while we still can. You can stay with me and my family!" he got up off the ground. You looked at him a little confused. You stood up then Cherokee did the same. Toby said "Can i please have some room?" you looked down at the ground. You were like toe to toe with Toby. You blush and move away saying "S-sorry.." Cherokee followed you. Cherokee never really left your side unless you told her to. Cherokee asked "Who put you on the mission? What color are your eyes? Why didn't you kill us? Are you tricking us?" you elbowed her. She stopped asking questions. Toby said "Woah, that's a lot of questions for little one to ask!" he smiled at least you thought so. You said "She is very smart." Cherokee nodded her head and added "I'm at the top of my class!" You patted her on the back. Toby said "Well, that's cool i guess. But anyway, we need to get out of here. Follow me." Cherokee asked "What about our stuff?" Toby said "You don't need it. Plus Slendy already has everything set up for you." You tilt you head to the side and say "Slendy?" Toby nods his head. Cherokee "Okay, let's go!" she jumped up and ran and stood behind Toby. You got up and walked behind Cherokee.....

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