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        I sighed. I said in a motherly voice "Look, I know you don't want to be trapped in this room. But we have to because this is the only way of being safe." Cherokee looked at me with tears in her eyes. I started to cry because it kills me to see her cry. Cherokee said "It's like Papa died all over again. How Mama and Will would lock us up for hours." I was shocked that she said something like that. I realized it was. I knew I had to get us out of here alive. I thought 'But what about Toby? Would he care? Would Slendy care?' just then i heard my door open. I saw EJ. EJ came in and quickly shut the door and said "Please, don't tell Toby I came in here." I nodded my head slowly. Cherokee ran over to the bed. I walk over to the bed and sat on it. Cherokee climbed on to my lap. EJ sighed in relief. I asked "Why did you come in here? What do you want with us?" Cherokee started to hug me. EJ said "Well, since you both want to become a creepypasta I wanted to tell you that you have to get surgery done." I looked at him weirdly. I said "Well, I didn't know about this." I got an uneasy feeling. Cherokee said "Well, I would love to become one!" Cherokee said cheerfully. EJ said "Good! Would you truly want to be one Y/N?" I nod my head. I was scared to speak. But, Cherokee wasn't. EJ said "I will go talk to Slendy and you surgery will be a week from today. Sorry for just randomly coming in." I said in a calm voice "It's fine. But next time please knock." I smile. EJ nodded his head and walked out of the room quickly. Cherokee let go and said "I don't really like it here. Everyone is scary. Y/N get us out of here." I sighed. I tell her that it will be okay and I will make sure no one touches her. She nodded slowly. Cherokee said "I want to take a nap. I'm so tired from all that walking" she giggles. I say "Go right ahead. I will just look around the room" I get off the bed. Cherokee layed down on the bed and covered up and drifted off to sleep.

        ~AN HOUR LATER~ 

        I heard a knock on the door. I walk over to the door and slowly open the door up. It was Toby. He just made his way in and shut the door fast. Like he didn't want anyone seeing him come inside. He sighed and saw that Cherokee was sleeping. He walked over to the window and looked outside. Then he walked back over to me and whispered "I made your surgery today. You need it so you can protect yourself from the others. Cherokee will go last. Your surgery is at 6:00PM. It's 5:59PM. In a minute i'm having one of my best friends take you down to the room where your surgery happens, okay?" I nod my head in shock. I ask in a whisper "Who is bringing me down to the room?" I look at Cherokee. He whispers back "Masky." I nod again. It's like that's all i could do. Then, we heard a knock on the door. Toby rushed over to the door and opened it to se Masky standing there. 'He looks kind of creepy. But, if Toby says it's okay for me to go with him. Then it should be safe.' i thought to myself. Toby moves his hand for me to come to him. I walk over to him. Toby says "Y/N, If you need help just scream. I will be there in a flash, Okay?" I nod my head and ask "Who's going to watch Cherokee?" I look over at her again. She was still sleeping. Toby said "I will." I sigh with relief. I walk outside of the room and close the door on my way out. Masky started to walk down the hall way and I followed him. We were at the bottom of the stairs where i tripped over something. But, Masky caught me. We were so close. He says "Ha Ha, you okay?" I blush and nod my head. We keep walking. Then he stopped at a room and knocked on the door. The door opened fast. Masky took my hand and pulled me in. The shut behind us. I saw EJ at the door. He locked it! I gave EJ a weird look. Masky let go of my hand. EJ says "We have to make sure no one tries to break in." then he looks at Masky and says "We don't want Toby finding out about you holding her hand." Masky looked away. I sighed and thought 'What the hell? Why do they keep saying stuff like that? Is Toby that protective over me? Does... He.... like me?! No, he would never like someone like me. I'm ugly and stupid.' I snapped out of my thoughts. EJ said "Come over and lay down on this table and tell me what you want to look like." he was getting stuff ready for the surgery. I walked over and layed down. Masky was sitting on the couch that was in the room. I say in a calm voice "Just do what you think is best for me!" I smile. EJ says "Okay. I haven't been able to choose in such a long time! I'm so excited!" he starts to laugh at himself and then quckily calms down.EJ walks over to me with a needle. I just look at it. I hated needles! I shook my head and whispered "N-no!" he looked over at Masky. Masky got up and walked over to me and held me down while EJ shoved the needle in my arm. Everything started to go black.....

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