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Aidan's POV

"Liam!" I hollered, wishing, for the forth time today, that I hadn't quit my alcohol addiction for Finny. "You're going to get yourself killed!"

Jack sat next to me, whining his agreement. Jack was a wonderful co-parent.

Oliver sat next to Jack, digging a hole into the ground. I cleared my throat and he stopped, looking at me guiltily. Oliver was a bad example older sibling.

"Honey," my mom scoffed. "You have to tell him you'll punish him if he doesn't do what you say."

My mom had no idea how well I understood that concept.

I blinked to force myself out of a seriously hot memory of taking Finn over my knee last week. I needed to focus on my brat child. "Liam," I growled. "You need to come down. Or I'll...make you sit in the corner."

Yeah. I didn't spank my kid. Not because I was some hippy-dippy loser that thought it was emotionally damaging, but because I did that to Liam's other father. I wasn't going to punish my kid the way I punished my husband.

...Also because Finn was a hippy-dippy loser, and I was whipped.

My son, Liam, was batshit insane in the best way possible. At three years old, he was already talking way more than his classmates and had better motor skills as well. Including but not limited to: running away from his parents, flipping off classmates (which I did not teach him), pulling down his pants to moon people, and climbing up trees.

My dad grunted approvingly. "He's athletic. I don't know any other three year olds who can climb up trees that high."

I took a deep breath and tried to assess the situation. Finn was coming home in ten minutes for dinner with my parents, who were visiting from Florida. He could not come home to this.

"Daddy," Liam whined, little grubby arms grabbing at the tree. He was only a few feet higher than my arms could grab, but I was still worried. "I can't go back down."

Even being a brat, Liam was a cutie. He had a nest of curly blonde hair on his hair and big blue eyes full of mischief. His dimples were so stinking cute and he had the tiniest little button nose. Even though Finn and I had adopted him two years ago, I thought he resembled Finn a little.

"Why?" I asked, chest constricting. "Are you scared? Do you need help?"

Liam's face changed into a shit-eating grin. "No! Because you're a poopy pants!"

He also resembled me a little.

He stood on shaky legs and grabbed the branch above him. "Shit," I grumbled. "I should've just jumped up and grabbed him, but I didn't want him to lose his balance."

Jack barked. My dog, not my dad. "Shut up, doggie!" Liam hollered.

"Oh, that is the LAST straw," I snapped, grabbing onto a branch. "I'm going to get you and you make you wish you were never rude to Jack!"

My parents were definitely having a judgmental conversation below me, but I climbed up the tree until I grabbed a hold of my kid. Liam stuck out his tongue and crossed his arms. "I don't wanna get down. They're weird." He pointed at Mom and Dad.

"Honey," I sighed, wrapping my arm around Liam and making my way back down. "You need to stop acting out. You're reinforcing the public's innate belief that children of homosexuals don't get raised properly."

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