Chapter Sixteen

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Finn's POV

After chemistry class on Monday, Jerry and I practically skipped into Writing 106, ready to start trouble. I'd told him and Vivian all about what I knew, but I claimed to have gotten the information on Facebook. We were ready to start hell.

Professor Lincoln gave us ten minutes to talk about the last chapter we read in a group, so Jerry made the first move. "Did you guys see what Professor Demos did in class today?" he asked.

In hind sight, it was obvious that Professor Lincoln had some kind of past relation with Aidan. He perked right up at his desk and focused on our group. "No, what are you talking about?" I asked.

"I did!" Viv gushed. "Remember when he was drinking water and some of it spilled. He picked up the bottom of his shirt to shake it dry!"

I slapped the table and groaned. "Oh my God, now I remember. Ugh, those abs. It's like not even real how cut his abs are."

"And that V on his hips? I mean, c'mon," Jerry moaned. "I can just imagine getting to my knees and sucking him. I bet his dick is so big he'd choke me no problem. Just imagine Daddy Demos grabbing your hair and pulling your mouth over his cock and face-fucking you...umph!"

Viv and I blinked at each other. Wow, Jerry was taking his job seriously.

It worked, though. Professor Lincoln pulled out his chair and walked over to our group. "I need you to watch your language, young man." His face was lit with fury. "And please, do you mind actually discussing the text? Thank you."

Jerry apologized and we went back to discussing, except making sure to make comments along the way. When we were talking about the thematic topic of love, I had a field day. "Since Professor Demos is my soulmate, I can pretty easily relate to this text," I announced, making my friends chuckle. "I mean, everything he does is perfect. He'd be the best husband ever."

"In every way..." Jerry trailed off and moaned. "I know I keep saying this, but I really want him to pee on my face. It's a fetish of mine."

Professor Lincoln's jaw dropped. I quickly kept speaking, so Jerry wouldn't get in trouble again. "Speaking of peeing! The book kind of touches on public sanitation in chapter 6..." It so didn't, but at least I seemed focused.

"What kind of workout routine to you think Daddy Demos has?" Viv wondered out loud. "I'm going for the whole butch lesbian look, but I need to gain some poundage. That guy has muscles for days."

I groaned, imagining the sculpted-to-perfection chest that I'd gotten a good look at at his house. "Oh yeah he does. Wow. He's like a Greek god. What's the word?"

"Adonis," Viv filled in. "He's an adonis."

"Such an adonis," I groaned. "I can't even. Remember when he was talking about covalent bonds? I'd form a covalent bond with him any day."

"I'd form a covalent bond with him all day," Jerry groaned. "And all night too."

Why was Jerry better than me at this? Aidan was definitely going to marry me, not him. So weird. Jerry just had flirtatious nature running through his blood I guess.

Professor Lincoln was not amused at all. In fact, there was an angry blood vessel popping out of his forehead. It amazed me that Aidan went for a mousy, angry guy like Professor Lincoln. I could maybe see him having twink appeal like twenty years ago, but now he had chicken legs and thinning hair in his thirties. So ugly. Not to mention his beady little eyes that glared at everything with a pulse accusatively.

Aidan needed someone for which laughter came easily. Like me, for example.

I was a hoot.

"Sometimes I fantasize about getting cancer," Jerry began. Everyone in the classroom turned towards him, with varying degrees of horror written on their faces. "So that I can go to the Make A Wish foundation. And my dying wish can be getting dicked down by Daddy Demos."

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