Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Aidan's POV

I watched Adam approach with weariness. He didn't look as pleasant as he had before.

"You haven't called me," he snapped, settling his hands on his hips and glaring. A few students snickered on the way out of the classroom.

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. My Adam headache was coming back. "Can we please take this to my office so the students don't start rumors?"

Adam nodded, clearly frustrated, and stomped out of the room. I gathered all my papers, taking my sweet time, and then Jack and I followed him. It was an awkwardly silent walk to my office, but the second we entered the room Adam was yelling.

"You!" He pointed his finger in my face. "You never called me! I practically begged you to call me and then you didn't, and I don't even see the picture I gave you anymore!"

"Adam, you said to call you when I felt the way you feel about me," I explained. "I really do not feel the same way."

Adam's left eye twitched, which was horrifying and creepy. "I know why."

I sighed and sipped my whiskey. "Thank fuck. Because if you didn't know why, I'd be baffled at your own idiocy. We don't work, Adam. We never have. Look at us right now! All we ever do is fight."

"That's passion!"

"Are you fucking stupid?" I snapped. "That is not passion. That's me wanting to knock your head against a wall!"

I glanced at poor Jack out of the corner of my eye and the poor dog was miserable. His ears were tucked back and his tail hung low. He never liked loud voices.

I swooped down and pat his head. "Don't be scared, love bug," I said him. He gave me kisses. "Adam's a dick but he should be leaving soon."

"And what the fuck is that?!" Adam blurted, waving his hand around at me. He looked like he was trying to catch a persistent fly. "You have this weird homo love for that smelly animal—"

Oh. He just called Jack a smelly animal. That put him at number one on my shit list.

"— You never wanted a dog when we were together! And now look at you, it's like you love him more than anything else on the planet! That's weird, Aid. Clearly the divorce has affected you as much as it's affected me, so we need to get back together and fix what's broken."

He almost looked like he was convinced of it, too. His eyes were wide with desperation and his gesticulation was increasing with every strung-out syllable.

"I always wanted a dog," I huffed. "You didn't. You like cats. That's another reason why we can't get back together."

"Because I like cats?"

"No! Well, yes. Cat people are obviously psychotic and unhinged in a subtle and possibly violent way. But, that's not what I was saying." I took a deep breath and met his eyes, really hoping this would sink in. "We can't get back together because of something you just said. You said that I never wanted a dog when we were together, when in actuality you talked me out of a dog and I listened because I was spineless. But don't you see the problem? You never even really knew me at all."

"Oh please! Aidan, it's just a dog. Stop focusing in on one point."

It was about so much more than a dog, but he didn't realize it. It was about how I always used to bend to his will, until I didn't even recognize my own shape anymore.

I wasn't me with Adam the way I was with Finn.

"Fine," I conceded, because he wasn't worth my effort. "Here's what it's about: you're ugly now. I'd never be able to get it up for you anymore."

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