Chapter Six

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Finn's POV
I woke up with the worst headache known to man and no idea of what happened last night. I was also sprawled out between Jerry and Brianna, which was weird in itself. I remembered having a good time picking out my outfit with Jerry, then driving there blasting music the whole time, and then arriving at the club and drinking everything that Viv handed to me.

"Mm...Viv...mmm" Brianna mumbled into my shoulder. I nearly screeched when I felt a hand grab at my ass.

"Ahhh! I am not your girlfriend, sister!" I screamed, hopping off that bed fast enough to make my own head spin. Brianna looked up, squinted at me, and promptly fell back asleep.

I assessed the situation around me. I was definitely in a girl's room, considering the pink shit all over the place. Pink bed sheets, pink curtains, pink rug on the floor...everything. It was probably Viv's place, considering her hair color. Speaking of, Viv was sprawled out on the rug, on top of poor Benny.

I kicked Jerry. He didn't move, so I kicked him again.


"Your car's been ditched in Providence."

"WHAT!" He shot off the bed, frantic. "We parked in a parking garage, that gonna cost me extra?"

"Nahh, boo," Brianna grumbled. "Now shut up." She shoved a pillow over her head.

"What the fuck happened last night?" I muttered.

"Bitch we got sent home by our Chem professor, now shut up!"

I glanced at Jerry. "She snapped..."

Viv rolled off of Benny and groaned. "Who's harassing my girl?"

"V, shut up!"

"Damn, girl, okay."

The three of us looked around uncomfortably. Jerry motioned to the door. In a silent agreement, we stepped into the hallway to talk.

"What happened last night?" I echoed. "I...I think I remember Aidan, but I thought I was dreaming." He'd looked too sexy to be real in the low club lights. I remembered the way his dark his eyes looked and the way they'd glared at me authoritatively in the alleyway. I shivered. "Did I end up in an alley?"

Vivian shook her head, paused, held her stomach, and then continued. "Sorry, thought I was gonna puke for a second there. Okay, I'm pretty sure you were dancing with some beefy stranger, Finn. And then you guys disappeared, so I assume he went and bought you drinks. Was that guy Aidan?"

But I pretty clearly remembered an alley and Professor Demos, so there had to be more to the story that Vivian saw. "No, Aidan is Professor Demos, sorry. It's on the syllabus, I don't know why I said that."

"Oh, he was there," she said. "He herded us out of the club the second he saw all of us and called an Uber. I don't know how he sent us to my house, unless he opened my phone or something and sent us here."

He really had been at the club.  I remembered him being in the alley, but clearly I was confusing him with the random guy I'd been dancing with. "I think I might've done some dirty stuff with a stranger in the alley." I cringed. "I must've been trashed."

"Oh, you were," Vivian scoffed. "I gave you a couple drinks, but you kept going back to the bar with that guy. He must've been pumping them into you. You guys were real friendly. I thought you knew him."

"Ugh," I squeezed my eyes shut and willed my headache to disappear. "Do you have Advil and water? My head hurts so bad and it's not helping my spotty memory at all."

Vivian nodded and led the two of us downstairs. "So, I kind of think I called Aidan—" Jerry paused to wiggle his eyebrows at me obnoxiously, "—Daddy last night. Like I literally think I called him Daddy to his face. But that can't be true, right?"

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