Chapter Thirty-Three

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Aidan's POV

I loved teaching my favorite subject half-tipsy and listening to my almost-boyfriend chatter in the back row with all his friends.

It took me back to the good old days, when I'd drink vodka and palm myself to the view of him sitting in the lecture hall scribbling notes. Back then, I'd wished that I could fuck him over my desk. Now that I probably could fuck him over my desk, all I wanted was to kiss him.

"And you should all know that the final is December 20th at 8 AM," I announced, getting a chorus of groans from the kiddos. They loved me. I was a fan favorite. "So study hard so you don't suck."

I was starting to feel the affects of the alcohol in my bottle. I really probably shouldn't drink and teach.

Oh well. Too late now.

I went through the usual motions of teaching my class in a subpar fashion, asking if they had questions, accepting that never have and never will ask a question, and retiring to my office.

Except this time I had a cute little entourage follow me. And by that, I meant Finny and the brat who was always attached to his hip. As per usual, Jerry sat in the extra chair and Finn sat in the dog bed with Jack. They played tug of war while Jerry bitched.

He groaned and leaned back in his chair. "The final is on December 20th at 8 AM."

Finn slapped his own forehead and added to the melodramatic bitching. "I'm deceased. That is horrible." Then he gasped. "That is horrible! Aidan, the rest of my finals end on the 13th! I'm going to have to stay on campus because of you!"

I took a swig of my vodka and shrugged. "School picks the final schedule, not me. Hop off my dick."

"He can't," Jerry scoffed. "He likes that dick too much."

"Fuck off Jerry, I am so bothered right now." Finn glared at the syllabus that Jerry had been waving around like the force of his gaze could change the date. Then he took a deep breath, summoned all of his cuteness, and batted his lashes. "Could you maybe make an exception?"


"But sir, I'm sick that day. Can I maybe take the final in your office on the 14th?"


Jerry chimed in. "But Daddy Demos—"

"Off. My. Dick."

"Oh, Jesus Christ," Finn whined. "He's not gonna give in. Guess I'm going to be sticking around here doing nothing while finals week goes on."

"You won't be doing nothing," I reminded him meaningfully.

Jerry squealed with glee and pushed Finn's shoulder. "That's right! You won't be doing nothing, you'll be doing Aidan!"

I facepalmed. That was not what I meant.

"Actually, Jeremy," I groaned. "I meant that he would have plenty of time to study for the exam. Which I will help him with."

"By offering the incentive of your dick?"

I think I'd actually offered Finn incentive of my spankings, but Jerry really did not need to know that. He would take that information and run wild with it.

"No. By running through flash cards and practice problems. Jeez, when did you get so rated R?" I wondered. Then I remembered that this was the kid who made jokes about me peeing on him in his writing class. Maybe this was just his personality.

Finn rolled his eyes. "This is just the way that Jerry is," he said. "He has no chill. Speaking of, he's trying to bone that friend of yours. Master Robert?"

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