Chapter Forty-One

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Aidan's POV

It was weird. After only approximately two hours of having both Jerry and Robert in the house at the same time, they decided that we were, like, friends.

I didn't have friends. I had my dog. People repulsed me.

It started with Robert. On Sunday morning, he popped in just in time for breakfast. He had no problem inviting himself to the table and complimenting Finn's cooking.

"So, has he decided to harass you anymore?" Robert asked through a mouthful of food.

I told him that Adam hadn't come around or contacted me in any way, so we were hopefully in the clear.

I thought he may have only shown up to see if we were fine after his tough guy stunt yesterday, but then Jerry showed up with a ketchup bottle.

"Uh so Robert texted me saying that you guys didn't have any ketchup with the tofu omelets," Jerry announced after walking into my house without knocking. "So I thought to myself — holy shit, tofu omelets. That sounds like shit. So I bought him the jumbo size to drown out the tofu flavor."

And sure enough, he slammed a jumbo ketchup on the table.

Robert smiled. "Thank you."

I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't having a surprise acid trip.

Nope, it was reality.

Jerry sat down and took a bit of Robert's tofu omelet. "Huh, not the worst," he praised highly. "Anyway, hi people. Aidan, Finn. Y'all fucked yet?"

My jaw dropped, but I was saved from answering my Robert. He placed a hand on Jerry's wrist and gave him a stern look.

"Now, Jeremy," Robert began, "It's inappropriate to ask questions like those. People are allowed to have boundaries. You can't just ask them about their sexual activity."

"You ain't my daddy," Jerry scoffed. "I don't have to listen to you."

Robert shook his head and gave him a knowing smile. "Give me another week and we'll see if you'll be denying that I'm your daddy then."

Finn was looking really flushed, so I popped on over next to him and held his hand. "Not to be rude, but why are you two here?" I grumbled.

"For a double date, obviously," Robert said with a wide smile.

That was when I realized that Robert was just as pushy and boundary-ignoring as Jerry. They were perfect for each other.

Perfectly annoying anyway.

"You two are dating?" Finn asked. "Jerry what happened to 'I don't need no man'?"

"Clarification: we are not dating. However, in this particular moment it works in my benefit to say that we are, so we are. Double date?"

"No!" I said, at the same time that Finn said yes. I looked at Finn. "Are you crazy?"

"Why not?" He asked. "It will be fun!"

I rubbed my temples and tried to get rid of the mild headache that was forming. I really was not interested in going on a double date with the guy who did not know how to separate BDSM from real life, and Finn's crazy best friend.

But Finn was saying yes, and I could never go against what he wanted. Especially with those big doe eyes giving me the sweetest look I'd ever seen.

"All right, fine. Where are we going on our double date?"

My sentence was met with wide grins and a whoop of happiness from Jerry.

"I know just the place!" Jerry said. He dumped the rest of his tofu omelette in the trash and dropped his plate in the sink. "Let's get moving. I want to go laser tagging!"

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