Chapter Nineteen

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Aidan's POV

No matter how much it hurt, I had to keep my distance from Finn. My mistake on Tuesday had been too much. If I actually ended up kissing him one day, I'd be in deep shit.

Even though I knew it was the right thing to do, it hurt like hell. I woke up and checked my phone to see if he texted. I'd feel my heart beat quicker in anticipation whenever I approached my office. When I taught chem, my eyes scanned the crowd of students uselessly to find him.

By the end of the week, I'd completely driven myself up a wall. My pent up aggravation over the situation had me lashing out, even to Jack. I called him a stupid mutt at one point, so I had to spend a half hour apologizing. I needed to blow off some steam, so I figured I'd stop into the club to get an easy lay. Plus Robert had texted me a thousand times asking me why I'd dropped off the face of the planet.

...And if I happened to see Finn, oh well. We weren't talking anyway.

It was an old routine, getting dressed in my combat boots and leathers. I put on a shirt for travel, but it was coming right off the second I stepped into the club. I took a couple pre-club shots (remember: never buy booze there when you have your own), and then I drove off. I might've swerved through the yellow line a few times, but it was the price I payed for pre-gaming.

The bouncer let me in with a grin and a man hug. I'd totally forgotten his name, but we'd definitely fucked before. I remembered he had a weirdly high groan for a guy who was pushing 250 pounds of muscle.

Sweaty bodies, blasting music, freaky people. The place was definitely more alluring when I was in my twenties and had endless amounts of energy. I could see why Finn and his friend had been drawn to the place. It was like a safe-haven for people who wanted to push their limits and discover more about themselves.

I had an intense hunger to teach Finn how to push his boundaries and experiment.

Fuck. I made a beeline to the bar and broke my rule. Then I broke it again. I started a conversation with a blonde boy who reminded me of Finn, except boring. We chatted and I broke my rule until the whole place was swirling and I could barely stand. The boy lead me over to the VIP area, where he wanted me to meet his Mistress.

I greeted people that were my friends at one point, but then I'd broken up with Adam and they'd all gotten married. We grew apart, because married people wanted to be friends with other married people. That way they'd get to talk about their anniversaries and babies without feeling pity for the lonely bastard they were talking to. I didn't blame them. If things had been different with Adam, maybe I would've done the same thing. I'd never know now.

I didn't even care. Adam could fuck right off. If a cute little thing like Finn could like me, maybe I could get a guy who was cute and perfect but not my student. It was possible.

The random bitch was shoving her boobs in my face and urging me to play with her pet, so I played with his hair and hoped that was enough. I was too far gone to bother explaining to her that I was gay and not interested.

Robert walked up with a kid who looked kind of like one of my students, so I was definitely going crazy. I couldn't tell if I knew him, because he was ducking his head. In the same direction I caught a flash of pink-blonde hair and my heart stopped, but then it was gone.

Robert approached me, suddenly alone. Maybe I was hallucinating. Probably.

"Aidan! Damn, you've finally crawled back out from under your rock," Robert chuckled. "Here to let off some steam from that hell job you're working?"

I'd been here to fuck a tight ass, but now I'd thought of Finn and gotten sad. Sadness was a pretty affective boner-killer, as was infatuation with someone who was giving you the cold shoulder. "Fuck off, Robbie," I snapped. "It's a fine job." It helped me meet Finn.

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