Chapter Thirteen

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Aidan's POV
Life resumed as normal. I woke up on Wednesday to a good morning text from Finn, responded, went about my day, and then taught class. Finn hung out afterwards and I walked him out of the building a couple times, so he wouldn't 'get lost' again. On Thursday, I spent time with Jack and Liam, while texting Finn. Friday, I got to class early to go over the lecture with Finn. Then I spent my office hours reviewing the week with Finn while the boy drank Starbucks and hung out with Jack.

But then Saturday hit. I had completely forgotten what I usually did on Saturdays. I knew it generally ended with a stranger in my bed and alcohol in my system, but after the incident on Tuesday I wasn't interested. During the day, I played with Jack sometimes, but usually I hung out with Liam or some coworkers I could put up with.

"Huh," I mumbled. I turned to Jack, who was chowing down on his kibble. "Why do I feel restless? Usually I'm psyched for Saturday nights."

Jack didn't answer. I sipped my coffee and glared at him until he finished and gave me attention again.

I ended up dropping to the floor and hanging out with Jack for a bit and life was good. Until I realized what felt weird about today.

No texts from Finn. Plus, I wasn't going to see him for another two days. I groaned and took a huge gulp of my coffee, already wishing I was drinking whiskey. I should've stayed strong the day Finn cried in my office, then I wouldn't have this weird attachment that I couldn't seem to shake.

After ten minutes of drinking coffee and staring blankly at my kitchen wall, I decided to pull out my phone and review my texts with Finn. Apparently he'd always been the one to initiate conversation...I should keep it that way, for work. Just incase someone at the school decided my behavior wasn't clear cut, so they should look through my phone.

I dropped my head onto the table. If I had to figure out if my behavior was clear cut or not, it probably wasn't. But...I didn't give a shit about my job or the University. Fuck it.

Me: Good morning.

Was that too much? Was it suggestive? Could he tell that I thought he was the perfect little body to warm the left half of my bed? Ugh, it was too late now.

He answered in a matter of minutes, which was pretty slow for him. Psh. Millennials. He responded, Good morning!! :D

Wow, apparently it really was a good morning for him. His excitement put a tiny smile on my face, so I texted him back to ask him how he was doing. Unsurprisingly, he told me he was doing great. Then, he followed up with a daunting message.

Finny: What are you up to???

Despite the million question marks, the question intimidated me. I didn't want to tell him the truth, that I was sitting in my kitchen drinking coffee with my dog, and have him think I was really boring and old. But at the same time...lying really wasn't my style. And neither was caring about what others were thinking. For whatever reason, that last one had been difficult for me lately.

Me: Drinking coffee.

Finny: Ewwwwwww nopeeee. never. my moms addicted so I swore Id never drink coffee for as long as I live

Me: That's absurd. Coffee is the only thing keeping me going in life.

Finny: Aww why is it hard to keep going? :(

I rolled my eyes. I was kidding, obviously. Sometimes this kid acted like he'd lost his intelligence in the war and mourned it every day. Because of my awful job, of course, I replied.

Finn sent back a laughing emoji and I was left with a dried-up conversation. Or at least, a conversation that was my responsibility to keep alive. I didn't like the pressure. I also didn't like the implications that would be sent if I desperately tried to keep the conversation going.

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