Chapter Thirty

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Finn's POV

I managed to convince Aidan to let me stay the night, which meant I could ride on this BDSM wave that Aidan was suddenly cooperating with.

I don't know what changed his mind and convinced him to train me, but I wasn't complaining. The spanking thing was the hottest thing that had ever happened to me.

What wasn't hot, however, were Aidan's papers.

It was just like school all over again, which shouldn't have been surprising.

"Sir, these are boring. Can we go back to your sex dungeon?" I begged.

Aidan glared at me through his glasses. I loved his cute little old man glasses, they gave me so much affection. Especially because he was drinking coffee, no alcohol, and was flipping through a little old man magazine.

So wholesome.

"Stop asking about the sex dungeon. I know the paper is boring, but it's important. I need to know your medical history in case something we want to try together might affect it," Aidan explained. He wrinkled his nose. "And stop staring at my glasses."

"I like your little old man glasses."

"When did you become mean?" Aidan whined. I liked seeing the not-so-stern part of him too. "I know I'm too young to need cheaters, but shut up about it."

"Can you at least let me take a Jack break?"

"You can pet Jack when he comes inside but for now he's happy chasing squirrels. Keep filling out the papers."

After literally a million years, I finally finished. Aidan taught me which one was a contract and got me familiar with the sections. He said that we didn't need one, but a lot of BDSM relationships did.

I also filled out papers giving him basic info about my diet, medications, and personal hobbies. There was another one that gave me a list of sexual acts and to rate them on whether or not I'd be likely to try them.

"I love how things on this range from fantasy gang-rape to housework," I commented.

Aidan shrugged and looked up from his magazine. "Some subs want to be slaves. That means they live in their Master's home and do a number of actions of servitude that are previously agreed-upon. Including housework."

"Huh. Do you like that?" I asked, wondering just how much of my freedom Aidan would want.

He gave me an amused look. "I'm training you. It doesn't matter my preference, our goal is to find yours."

I nodded and returned back to the sexual acts list. I'd already jerked off, but the thought of doing some of these with Aidan was getting me all worked up again.

"I'm going to change into my pjs and make dinner. Do you eat pasta?" Aidan asked. He looked over at my information sheet. "I see you're vegan. Not shocking."

I didn't know what that meant, but I gave him a bitchy look anyway. "That's right, I am. ...but yeah, pasta sounds great."

"Just no butter?"


Aidan headed out to the kitchen and began to work on our meal. "Once you're done, we can go to the sex dungeon, as you call it. I can get you familiar with each tool."

"Thank God! The sex dungeon is way more interesting than this is!" I yelled, making Aidan scoff. He left to get in his jammies and by the time he was back I was done.

"Already?" he asked, with hands on his hips. I liked the way his t-shirt hugged his built torso. It was really cute how his bottoms had little dogs on them too. "Finn?"

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