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This year,
Has been a guilty one.
Most deserved.
And some not.

To say I didn't feel conflicted,
Or afraid,
Or pained,
Would be a lie.

Do I regret them?
To some degree.
It's better though to let go,
Rather than regret.

I'm a better person as a result.
I'm liberated from condition.
I'm changing because I want to.
Not for people.

That's the mistake I've made my whole life.
I finally realized it after all this.
So to say that it wasn't worth it,
Would be wrong monumentally.

To expose a problem from my beginning,
That has impacted me for so long,
How would that pain not be worth it?
Pain is the ultimate learning tool.

And if you choose not to learn from pain,
But rather to bask in the agony of it all,
Then that is a true loss for the soul.
Choosing not to learn, is to repeat mistakes.

I'll still choke with guilt,
I'll still hold small regrets,
I'll still wonder about my impact.
But I've learned.

Can you say the same?

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