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There's nothing quite like a night drive.
At least, for me there isn't.
To have chilling music playing,
And watching the world slink by.

But whenever I play that music,
And I drive at night,
I can't but feel like something is wrong.
I feel like something is missing.

Or is it that I'm missing someone?
Ah, yes, that's it.
I'm missing someone to share conversation.
I'm missing someone to listen with me.

Drives by myself feel so bleak.
Drives by myself are so peaceful.
Drives by myself get lonely.
I wish I could share those moments.

But, for some reason,
I get the feeling that I never will.
That this feeling will never be shared.
And it'll be just me.

Alone with my thoughts.
Alone with my music.
Alone on a drive.
Alone altogether.

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