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You know, I think I am trapped.
Trapped within a cage that I made.
But is it people that hold me back?
Or is it my distorted frame of mind?

Maybe it's a combination of both.
I don't understand one thing;
What truly restrains my potential?
Is it really the people, or myself?

I have a lot to give,
And a lot to take,
Is that what potential is?
Maybe, but who can bring it out?

Does a person like that even exist?
Someone that can bring it out?
Honestly, it's really hard to believe.
Yet here they are, or so I hope to think.

I am caring, but needy.
I am intelligent, but naïve.
I am considerate, but speculative.
I am open, but esoteric.

I don't know if that person is in my life,
Or if they have yet to come,
But it's going to take a miracle,
To bring out my true potential.

After all, I'm in no correct frame of mind. It'll take one miracle to continue working with someone as distorted as I, and another to even bring out what I could possibly be.

Everyone has potential, even those who are least qualified for it. It just takes someone or something to bring it out and let it shine.

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