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Perhaps my biggest weakness,
Is when I begin to question myself.
When I question my moralities,
My ambition, and my character.

I question if I apply myself,
I question why I'm questioning myself,
I question my obliviousness,
And I question my actions.

Am I good enough?
Is it okay to keep quiet?
Do I really belong?
Am I what people say I am?

My head is whirling with emotion,
Yet there's nowhere for it to go.
One soul to burden my words with,
That's just cruel to sit them through.

Yet here I sit in absolute confusion.
I've lost track of my feelings and pains.
So I'm left only with questions,
Questions that I struggle to answer.

Is it worth it to facade?
Do I accept my truth?
Do my words even matter?
Or is it better to watch where I step?

A Day In the MindWhere stories live. Discover now