Fear II

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Emotion —
It dictates the human race.
Some would say,
That love is the strongest of all.

I would beg to differ.
I would argue,
That fear,
Is the strongest of all.

Fear dictates action,
And helps and hinders reaction.
It can hold you back,
Or bring you forward.

Fear shows who you really are.
Fear is when you're most vulnerable.
Fear is when you're selfish.

What have I got to lose?
With just one action,
Why do I fear,
Such a simple reaction?

For whom do I write?
I write to the one,
Who taught me to fly,
Who showed me the sky.

What's so difficult,
About a simple thanks?
Perhaps it's because,
It'll be from my own song.

I can't help but be afraid.
Being honest with myself,
Isn't exactly something,
That I normally do.

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