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I'm not honest with myself.
At least, I used to lie to myself.
It's taken me such a long time,
But I'm finally being honest with who I am.

I'm being honest about my feelings.
I'm being honest about mistakes.
I'm being honest about my achievements.
They aren't just a brush under the rug.

It wasn't my fault.
I tried my hardest.
Accidents happen.
I've finally come to forgive imperfection.

But now, as a result,
My mask is starting to tear,
Which means my liar's heart,
Will be bare.

I helped others,
Even it meant hurting myself.
But I'm just as important.
I've imprisoned myself with that living

Now though,
I don't want to keep going,
Not like this.
I want to breathe again.

Can I?
I'm a person too,
Am I not?
I'd like to feel it.

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