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The more I think,
The more I realize,
That my desire for perfection,
Is fading.

Of course, one must always strive for it,
But I'm learning to tolerate mistakes.
I'm learning finally to accept failures.
Looking back, I see my pain in pursuing this impossible thing.

The voices that used to torment me,
They're not here anymore.
I'm getting better.
Or so I hope...

Looking back at things I've said,
I've finally comprehended a reason.
And I've concluded that I'm better than before.
But at the same time, I'm really not...

I've finally freed myself from what held me back.
But I still feel shackled to something.
There's a sort of pit inside of me,
And it has yet to be filled.

Even though I did realize this,
I know it won't change anything.
I know I'll still hide my face.
When something puts me down.

I hope you're all proud though.

A Day In the MindWhere stories live. Discover now