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What a pity,
To say that I'm ashamed.
You can flaut I,
But not I to you.

So many stars to watch,
With the moon shining brightest.
I miss the feeling of wonder.
It hasn't been there.

Something has been lost within.
I find myself wishing too often,
That I had gritted my teeth,
And turned back in that moment.

I was a child.
And I still am.
Foolish am I for wishing.
Foolish am I for hoping.

The sky was let down,
The door was closed,
The flowers were cast away,
The pretense was unapparent.

How could I forget?
How can I forget the moments that scarred my heart?
How will things change?
For the better or worse?

Blinded by red,
Woed by trials.
Every painted canvas looks the same.

And mine?
The longer you look,
The more colors appear.
Or so it seems.

I miss what isn't there.
I look back more than forward.
Too many pains weigh me down yet.
Do I really deserve that?

Maybe. I wish I knew why.

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