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I find it strange-
The concept of morals.
A compass in which we're all given-
Always different from one another.
The concept of right and wrong,
Is one that is personally defined.
But, see, where did defining start?
One could argue that religion started it,
But I'm not sure that's the case either.
Why do we follow morals?
Why do we disobey them?
We see things as right and wrong,
But think for a moment.
What if there's no such thing?
What if right and wrong doesn't exist?
It's a construct.
We follow it because it's normal.
We disobey it because it's rebellion.
I'm not trying to say,
That morals should go ignored.
I simply wonder just one thing.
What makes bad deeds, bad?
Why do we conform to morality?
Again, because it's normal.
And anything that's strange, isn't right.

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