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Our adventure finally nears its close.
The end of many friendships,
And the parting of many memories.
It's almost time for us to go.

There's a world of regret that I hold,
And not a soul to express it to.
There's a world of thanks that I grasp,
And I don't have time to make it heard.

This year I was taught to fly,
This year I felt genuine smiles,
This year I voiced my thoughts,
This year I embraced my strengths.

Confidence in who I was,
And voice in what I believed—
It all pushed me further,
And motivated me to smile.

I've made more friends this year,
Than I have all other years I've existed.
I've accomplished more this year,
Than I ever have before.

It hurts that this is the last of it all,
To know I might not see anyone again.
I'm glad I was there for it all though,
I learned so much from those I cherish.

This year I shed bittersweet tears,
This year I reminisced old times,
This year I valued who I was,
This year I learned to love what I do.

It was all thanks to those around me.
Some closer than others,
And some closer than they seem, Because of them, I pursue my passions.

So maybe one last time,
Before we all walk our separate ways,
Just once more if the sky permits,
I'd like to see the stars with everyone.

Just one more time.

A Day In the MindOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora