~The Courier~

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In this uncharted territory,
Your door stayed locked and bolted.
And along came I, the courier boy,
And those knocks made a curio of the world.

I thought little of sunlit walks in past times,
But the company we shared felt so true!
Alas, maybe it wasn't, as when the sun set,
Gone you were, as the ominous night fell.

Your position becomes unbeknownst to me,
I feel a horrendous guilt, as I've deceived you.
I cannot find you, and I become terrified.
I wish to walk you home in the sun's glow.

Dusk falls fast and you're nowhere found,
"Maybe you've found your way home.",
I pretend to rationalize, but I know the truth:
Lost on a moonlit trail, injured from hurt.

And return you do the next day,
With a reason to stay far away.
Barring the door, I can hear it pile up.
I, the courier boy, wishn't you be afraid.

I grit my teeth, as I knock and request again:
"My love, will you please walk with me?"
I know you'd like to experience the sunset,
And I understand why you're afraid to look.

You call to me through the door,
I walk with the sun, and feel its radiance?
I may walk with the sun, but I feel no warmth.
I can't experience a set with no hand to hold.

"I want to take to see the sunset with me.",
I say, as I watch the fear wash you over.
You'll try again, I'm relieved and excited.
But night falls again–you're nowhere found.

Fear sets in, I must have deceived you again.
It's all my fault, how could I do this to you?
You're left alone, and I have no way to help.
And again, you're left reason to lock the door.

It doesn't matter how many times I guide you,
I cannot make you experience the sunset.
You may flee, close your eyes, or turn away.
Only you can choose to let yourself look.

I'll be patient you, long as you don't give.
Perhaps you may knock on my door instead.
And walk in a place that's familiar to you,
So it's you who may guide us both.

You or I can take each other to the scene,
To where we may both feel the set's radiance,
But only you can offer permission to feel it.
It's okay to be afraid, but I promise you,

The view is worth it.

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