An introduction to the Characters (glitched out)

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Okay so I remade the profiles because they're all messed up and stuff and not spaced. so yeh.

Gail Caller (Mage of Space)

Age: 15

Sex: female

Symbol: ☯

Birthday: July 8th 1999

Physical Features: Short frizzy brown hair, greenish eyes, freckles. literally 100 percent white, bisexual.

Personality: Literally the biggest nerd you will ever meet obsessed with PJO and HOO, mine craft and minor role-play. 

Username: riseoftheSun [RS]

Moon: prospit

Guardian: Ma

Location: Louisiana 

Alec Hanta (Shroud of Doom)

Age:  15

Sex: male

Symbol: Ω

Birthday: December 22nd 1998

Physical Features: dark hair, almond eyes, asian.

Personality: Complains about everything in his own head yet acts normal around his friends. 

Username: postApocalypse [PA]

Moon: Prospit

Guardian: Brother

Location: Hawaii

Zuri Preacher (seer of time)

Age:  13

Sex: female

Symbol: ☆

Birthday: June 20th, 2001

Physical Features: Indian(not native american)/hispanic/black. Has some white ancestors but that is a small percentage. She had vitiligo around her waste and on her left ear which goes down onto her cheek and as a splotch on her right color bone. Her eyes are gold.

Personality: Very silly and likes to make new friends, has bad anxiety and is afraid she isn't who she thought she is.

Username: naturasSkybound [NS]

Moon: Derse

Guardian: Dad (funfact: trans)

Location: Minnesota

Ryan Brown (Knight of Heart)

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Symbol: ς

Birthday: April 1st 1997

Physical Features: african-american/white

Personality: He as the knight of heart protects peoples emotions and is a good guy to talk to if your feeling like shit. He can also literally have a soul weapon and use it to fight instead of a specibus.

Username: timeBound [TB]

Moon: Derse

Guardian: Granma 

Location: Florida

Sage Fisherman (Witch of Light)

Age: 16

Sex: Female

Symbol: ☀

Birthday: Febuary 28th 1997

Physical Features: Albino. Japanese

Personality: Very fun and caring, snarky sometimes, loves color and hates her boring color pallet of white.

Username: quietpocketMouse [QM]

Moon: Prospit

Guardian: Father

Location: New York

Finn Hawkeye (Page of Void)

Age: 16

Sex: Male

Symbol: 🌀

Birthday: October 19, 1997

Physical Features: Red hair, pale skin, blue eyes, white af.

Personality: A HUGE smart ass, knows much more then any of his friends, thats why he's a void player.

Username: starTraveler [ST]

Moon: Derse

Guardian: Uncle

Location: Colorao

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