Number 28

29 1 4

Okay first of all guys, stop being mad at me for saying Serest must have nubby horns. If you want to imagine her like that is fine, I imagine her both ways actually X).

Also, future Karkat is in this \0-o/

No not alpha Karkat, as in Future Karkat from the memos or stuff, like Karkat from the future in her point of view. So its still young Karkat whos still like 16 earth years? Hopefully yall know what I am talking about [I'm sorry I had to clarify this] but he's also past karkat at the same time? Because he hasn't talked once to Serest yet so..............

Idk just read :D


Okay first of all where the hell was my dad?


Oh yeah he was going to the store. Better not be getting cake mix, because honestly I don't like cake.

The day was pretty boring, light snow was on the ground not enough to make a snow man but still snow. And no roadkill.




I groaned bordly and flopped on my floor. I had nothing to do until the game came in the mail.

And none of my friends where one which surprised me.

Finally, after hours, I got a message from Lalonde.

—-tatteredTediance [TT] began pestering gatedGaurdian [GG]—-

TT: Egbert

TT: did you get the game yet?

GG: Uh, not yet :/

GG: My dad said he was heading to the store AND the post office sooo, I'm waiting at home rn.

TT: Oh, alright.

TT: Ella hasn't gotten it either

TT: Me and Strider have it though.

GG: Don't play with out me! :(

TT: Relax, The game needs at least four players anyway, two of each gender.

TT: Don't ask

TT: Its the rules.

TT: But I would like you to send the chart we will be using

TT: Here:

TT: [Link}

GG: wooooah

GG: Okay what?

GG: So...your weird chart is pointing a picture of me to Val and Val to you and you to Ella? And Ella to me?

GG: Like a circle?

TT: Yes

GG: Why did you have to use the amusement park photos?

GG: That was so embarassing!

GG: I got chocolate ice scream all over my favorite jeans :(

TT: sigh

TT: That is not the point

TT: Me and Val have the game, you two still need it.

GG: Oh yeah! My dad was heading to the post office right now to get it!

GG: And also what was your diagram suppost to do?

TT: OH yes the diagram, its a list of server players

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