Hangin' by a Thread

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Time grows to short and hope is lackin'
Faith is on a thread and bad news keeps stackin'

There is only one place for us to do the turnin'
When the ache in our hearts is constantly burnin'

We look elsewhere to do the evil blamin'
The smolderin' blaze of hatred flamin'

To the ones we love most comes our lashin'
As our inner emotional beast does its slashin'

Buryin' ourselves in a hole to do some hidin'
Tippin' that bottle, doin' some whiskey ridin'

The clock stops for no one it keeps right on a tickin'
This bump in the road needs a good ass kickin'

With fists raised high we need to keep on fightin'
Pull on some hair and do some hurtful bitin'

We should listen to all the words they are sayin'
We need to stay on our knees and keep on prayin'

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