I Feel

52 5 4

I feel...
I feel...
As if sometimes I don't matter to you,
Like I could go and you wouldn't care.

The way you pull away from me,
Damages my heart beyond repair.

I feel...
I feel...
Like I'm not worth your time,
That you have better things to do.

I am just a whisper in the wind,
That has been blown away from you.

I feel...
I feel..
Like I am an unwanted pest,
Waiting for you to set the trap.

That I am such a burden to you,
That any moment you will snap.

I feel...
I feel...
Like I have done something wrong,
And you don't know the words to say .

From everything to just a smidgen,
Are you hoping that I will walk away?

I feel...
I feel...
Does it really matter what I feel,
As long as I have you?

You say it's just the way it is,
That this is the you that is true.

Poems and Stuff Part 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant