A Little at a Time

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If you think ill of me because you can't see my tears,
And at the appropriate times they do not appear.

Just because you can't see the tears that I'm crying,
Doesn't mean that deep down inside I'm not dying.

I hide my pain with a smile and an inapt laugh,
But behind it all, my heart is crumbling and breaking in half.

I hide behind my smile but I'm not really that strong,
Especially being fully aware of all that could go wrong.

So please forgive me if I don't show my sorrow or pain,
Hiding it well is something I could never explain.

It's not that I feel differently or not as deeply as you,
Showing my true emotions is just hard for me to do.

So don't think for one minute that I'm not worried or scared,
That I am a heartless fool or that I just don't care.

A little at a time they can be seen by those who are close,
But when it's harder to bare that's when I hide it the most.

Poems and Stuff Part 2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz